Chapter Twenty Eight | All Falls Down

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Oh, when it all, it all falls down
And when it falls down, who you gon' call now?
I'm tellin' you all, it all falls down
C'mon, c'mon, and when it falls down
Oh, when it all ....


"Nah, she didn't say shit about it." August mumbled as he watched Brianna from the kitchen. She was in the living room trying to catch up on power. "I'll bring it up and see what she says."

"Don't just outright ask her, like throw out little hints and see if she lies." Chris responded back from the other side of the phone.

August nodded lightly thinking of what to say. "Alright nigga. Imma talk to her. I'll holla at you later." Quickly August hung up and headed into the living room ready to talk to Bri. "Wassup baybeh."

Never looking away from the tv Brianna sighed. She was supper annoyed with Angela. A character from the Starz hit series Power. "Now she thinks he's innocent. I been telling you that bitch."

Wrapping his arms around her body August gently started to caress Brianna's breast making her hiss from the tenderness. "Baby stop."

"You alright?"

"Yeah my body is just a little sore. I think my period might be about to come on. You know how I get."

"Yeah your right." He side eyed her for a minute then tried something else. "So how was your day?"

"It was fine Aug damn." She laughed lightly as she looked over at him. "You asked me that already like twenty times."

"I was just asking baybeh damn calm down." Shaking his head he started to just leave it alone, but something inside him told him to keep trying. "Imma go take a shower real quick. I'll be back in a few." Standing up quickly August made his way upstairs to the room they shared.

Deciding to look for whatever papers Chris had seen her with. Checking all around the room he felt defeated when he didn't find anything. Sighing loudly he was just about to go back downstairs when he spotted her purse.

"Bet they in there." Snatching open her purse he found exactly what he was looking for. "That nigga Chris was right." He spoke lowly feeling himself get upset.

Grabbing a bag he threw about two weeks worth of clothes in it before heading downstairs.

"Where you going?" Brianna questioned looking over at him confused.

"The hell away from you."

"What?" Jumping up she stood in front of him, blocking his path. "What's going on?"

"What's going on is your still a lier. Do you even fucking know how to tell the truth." August yelled back as he threw his bag down. "You one sneaky ass bitch for real. I can't believe I fell for all that shit you was saying."

Approaching him slowly she tried to grab his hand put his pushed her back. "What the fuck, August. I haven't even did shit. Just calm down and talk to me."

My Boyfriend's Keeper | August A. & Aaliyah | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now