Chapter Fourteen | Dangerously In Love

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I am in love with you. You set me free. I can't do this thing called life without you here with me, Cause I'm dangerously in love with you.



"I can't believe it either. This has been a crazy couple of months for us and for him to just purpose outta no where like this is crazy." Brianna spoke excitedly as she talked on the phone with her brother.

"I'm proud of you baby sis."

Brianna frowned at the sound of his voice. "If your so 'proud' then why do you sound like that? What's the problem now Marcus?"

"There is no problem. I just thought that you and August were done, ya know?"

"Well we were until recently but-" Brianna paused slightly. "Why does that even matter? Are you happy for me or not?"

Marcus sighed lowly. He wasn't sure if he wanted to lie and pretend to be happy for her or just be honest about the way he really felt.

Him and Brianna were just starting to rebuild there relationship and now here comes August. Marcus didn't wanna make her feel bad but he still didn't like the nigga. He felt like August had taken advantage of his sister on more then one occasion and he hated that.

"Not." Marcus spoke truthfully. "I'm not happy for you. Honestly I think you could do way better and you deserve way better."

"I had a baby on this man with his friend while he was in jail. How much better can I get? I should be grateful that he still wants to have anything to do with me."

"Is that what this is all about? Thinking that you can't do better. Listen baby girl. You are beautiful, and not just on the outside. Your sprit, your mind, your soul, and even with a baby any man would be more than lucky to have you."

Brianna took in his words but still remained silent. Slowly she felt her eyes start to water. She had no clue why she was even crying.

Marcus heard her sniffling and signed. Crying was the last thing he wanted her to do. "Look I love you and Imma support you through anything, but I don't wanna lie to you. I did that way to much before. All Imma say is if you marrying Aug make sure it's because you really won't to, not because you feel like you have to."

Brianna nodded as if he could see her. "Your right Mar. This is actually what I needed to hear. Thank you."

"Alright baby sis. If you need me call me. I love you."

"I love you more baby boy."

She hung up feeling drained as she rested her head in her hands. It's crazy how Marcus had changed her mood all around. Part of her knew he was going to do that. Honestly that's one of the reasons she called him. She wanted to talk to someone who would tell her what she needed to hear not what she wanted to hear.

The other part of her was really hoping that he would just be happy for her, but she knew that was wishful thinking. Considering the past he had with August, Brianna felt lucky that he didn't immediately start cursing her out.

My Boyfriend's Keeper | August A. & Aaliyah | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now