Chapter Twenty One | Ridin'

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But it's three in the morning yeah
Cause three turns into four and four turns into five then 6
was around what you tryna do baby make me cry
I don't know what I did but I know what I'm gonna do



"What the hell was that August?" Brianna questioned seriously as she pulled on her seatbelt. "How could you just storm out lik-"

"Look I gotta drop you off to the house real quick." He mumbled back cutting her off. "It's some shit I gotta handle."

"What shit?" Brianna questioned back quickly.

Ignoring her August kept his focus on the road as his mind ran wild with different thoughts.

Brianna watched him almost the whole ride back to their home wondering if he was ever going to respond back to her. Unfortunately he didn't.

"I'll be back later." August spoke lazily as he pulled into their driveway waiting for Brianna to exit the car.

"I guess we just gon' be sitting here like some sitting ducks causes I'm not getting out of this car."

August sighed deeply as he pulled his keys from the ignition. Walking swiftly over to her side of the car he opened her door quickly then yanked her out. "I don't have time for this shit man."

Almost falling in her heels Brianna quickly caught her balance as August locked the car so she couldn't get back in it. "What the fuck is wrong with you? Don't you be yanking all on me cause if I slap the shit outta you, you gon' wanna fight."

"Save the speech ma. Just go in the damn house. Shit." He stared at her annoyed waiting for her to move but she didn't. "Fuck it then." Quickly he pulled out his key and unlocked only the drivers side door. Getting in quickly he locked it back then started backing out. "I need to handle some shit with Keenon. I'll be back."

Brianna watched him pull off before going into the house. She didn't know what he was up to but she was about to find out.

Pulling out her cellphone she quickly dialed Amber's number. "Hello." She answered almost immediately.

"We need to talk."

"Hold on." Brianna listened as Amber moved from off the couch with Keenon to her bedroom. "Alright what's wrong?"

"Is Keenon with you?"

"Yes he is. Knocked the hell on the couch. Why?"

"You know August and I met with the wedding planner today. Everything was going good until right before we was about to leave. Girl he practically run out on me and Jennifer. So when we get in the car he's ignoring me and shit. Then when we finally get to the house he yanks me out the car and pulls off saying he's got some shit to handle with Keenon."

"No ma'am. I put this ass on Keenon like forty five minutes ago, feed him and he been sleep ever since."

Brianna laughed lightly but quickly stopped once she realized that meant August was lying to her. "He lied to me."

My Boyfriend's Keeper | August A. & Aaliyah | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now