Chapter Twenty Six | Promises

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I've been coming home late night
I've been sleeping past day light
I'm waking up you're not by my side
Baby that ain't right
I wanna be there with you
I really do be missing you
Everything I do is for you
And I really do adore you


"Baybeh imma be right back. Why you crying?" Looking over at Brianna August paused his movements watching her intensely.

"I don't know." She cried harder as she sat up in their plush bed. "I just miss you so much all the time."

"I'm not even gone yet." Laughing lightly August wrapped his arms around her gently rubbing her back to calm her. "You such a cry baby man." Pulling out his phone he called Chris.

Answering on the third ring August smiled as he watched Brianna watch him make his phone call. "Chris you and Keenon gon' have to handle all that shit without me. I can't leave Bri right now." Not bothering to listen to their reply he hung up and laid back down pulling Brianna back down with him. "Happy now."

"Kinda, you know what would really make me happy?"

Looking over at her August sighed. "What?"

"Food. Can we get tacos?"

"Baybeh we just ate pizza."

"So what?" Feeling herself about to cry again she sat up. "Get me the damn tacos Aug before I start this crying shit again."

"Yo ma what is wrong with you?"

"I don't know. I thinks it's cause I'm hungry."

"Guess your not yourself when your hungry."

Biting down on her bottom lip she nodded keeping in what she really wanted to say was wrong with her. "I guess not."



"Yeah? Well fuck you too!" Amber yelled as she followed behind Keenon making sure he was leaving with out destroying anything.

Keenon yanked the front door open scaring the shit out of Brianna just as she raised her hand to knock on the door. Moving to the side quickly Brianna watch Keenon get in his car and pull off.

Looking up at Amber she frowned. "What the hell was that?"

Rolling her eyes slightly Amber quickly let her in and she headed for kitchen in need of a drink. "He's still mad about me wanting to go back to school. The nigga won't let me breath Bri I swear to God."

"I never understood why he was mad in the first place. What he want you to have a bird brain?"

Shrugging lighting Amber grabbed two whine glass filling them halfway before passing one to Brianna. "Oh no thank you." Brianna pushed the glass back then stood up.

"Fine more for me." Amber took both glasses then headed to the living room.

"I wanted to talk to you about something."

My Boyfriend's Keeper | August A. & Aaliyah | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now