Chapter Twenty Three | The Point Of It All

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My days seems long Whenever we're apart. It's like someone has Thrown away my heart. You're a major part of my life, And no matter what the Storm may bring I'm fine with you, And the point of it all
Is I love you
And the reason for it all
Is I love you



"That's the one." Karruche spoke softly as she stared at Brianna in amazement. "You look beautiful."

"You really do." Amber nodded in approval. "But how do you like it?"

Shrugging slowly she looked away from them feelings her eyes start to burn with tears. "It doesn't feel right ya know? I'm suppose to be happy right now and I'm not."

"Then why are you doing this Bri? If your not with it we can go." Amber stood up to show her how serious she was.

"I though you were keeping an open mind though." Kae frowned shaking her head. "The deal was to keep planning the wedding and when that day comes if you still don't feel like it would work you don't have to walk down the aisle."

"I know what I agreed to." Brianna snapped quickly getting annoyed. "Who's side are you on Kae? Cause let's be real if this was Chris you wouldn't even be going for it."

"Yeah but this isn't Chris and I. We don't have history like you and August. You two have something really special so why not give it one more try."

"One more try? Then what? Another one, then another one? This was suppose to be our last try, now look at us. All fucked up. I'm tired of trying man. I'm so tired." She broke down placing her head in her hands. "I feel like the walls are closing in on me and I'm suffocating. It's just to much." She quickly stood up heading back towards the changing room.

"I don't know if they'll make it this time." Amber sighed softly as she looked over at Karruche. "Maybe they just need to go their separate ways. You know?"

"They might just have too. I just can't see her with anyone else. It's like they came to far to just give up now."

"I can understand that but it's only so much a person can take. She's been through so much with him."

"He been through so much with her."

"I still think Brianna's had it worse." Amber rolled her eyes just thinking about how many times she had to give a shoulder for her friend to cry on. "I mean he cheated on her with someone who was suppose to be her best friend, then the girl almost shot her behind his ass. She held him down while he was in jail. I mean yeah she did have a baby with someone else but she knew that was a mistake and at least she told him. Then he disrespected the hell outta her. Almost turned everyone against her not to mention he cheated on her again."

"We don't know for sure if he cheated on. Her again." Karruche defended.

"Well he does have a baby on the way. Not to mention he did tell Bri he saw his ex at a party not to long ago and he woke up from being passed out outside of her house with her shoes and panties still in his car. Come on now. If Allysia was is really six months pregnant now then how come when August ran into not to long ago he didn't notice she was expecting?"

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