Chapter Eleven | I Bet

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Is that your bitch ova there giving' me The ugly stare
The one with the silicone ass, and the Brazilian Hair?
You ain't gon' respect me no no no till I'm not There
See, I got you comfortable, now you ain't really Scared
I bet you start loving me
As soon as I start loving someone else
Somebody better than you
I bet you start needing me
As soon as you see me with someone else
Somebody other than you


"Amber get that soup outta my face." I wined as Amber tried to spoon feed me this nasty ass soup. "Shit is making me wanna throw up."

"Brianna your sick. Eat the fuckin' soup."

I groaned begging her slightly with my eyes. "Amber please."

She sighed. "Fine but you gon' eat it later. I gotta go for now. I need to take care of some stuff for this BBQ I'm having on Saturday."

I nodded then closed my eyes feeling kinda tired.


I groaned loudly as I released everything from my stomach again.

Slowly I stood up holding onto the sink for support. I brushed my teeth then washed my face and headed back to my bedroom.

Once I was settled in my bed I picked up my phone and called the one person I needed right now.

He answered on the third ring. "Wassup?"

"Aug?" I groaned a little because my throat was somewhat sore. "I need you."

"I'm busy right now what you need?" He questioned sounding iterated.

"I'm sick and I need some food , tissue , medicine. I need a sponge bath too."

He sighed. "I'm not tryin' ta get sick ma. Plus I'm real busy right now."

"But I-" He hung up before I could even finish my sentence. I sighed then put my phone back on the nightstand.

As much as I do for him he can't even help me out this one time. The other night he acted like he wanted to get back together now he's acting like I ain't shit. I-

My thoughts were interrupted by my ringing cellphone. It was Trey.

"Hello?" I answered almost immediately.

"Did you want me to bring Trey Jr.-" He paused. "Wait what's wrong?"

I sighed. "Nothing I just don't feel good."

"Ight I'm on my way." He hung up before I could even say anything else.

I closed my eyes feeling the tiredness taking over me again.


"Bri wake up." I felt someone tap me.

Slowly I opened my eyes seeing it was Trey. "Wassup Trey?"

He frowned. "Your burning up baby. Stay right here."

My Boyfriend's Keeper | August A. & Aaliyah | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now