Chapter Nineteen | Cool

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If you're cool, then I'm cool, then we're cool
Quit your worrying baby
Quit your worrying girl
We can conquer the world.
Pack a lil love for the evening, let me hold you tight. Don't be worried about any problems believe me - everything's gonna be alright



"I feel so bloated." Karruche mumbled as she looked at herself in the mirror. Rubbing her hands up and down her stomach softly she sighed. "I look so damn fat like what the fuck." Turning around she walked into her adjoining bathroom in search of Chris. "Baby does this dress make me look fat?"

Chris turned around slowly and took in her appearance then nodded. "You got a lil thicker, but I like it."

Karruche frowned then looked at herself in the mirror once more. Feeling her bottom lip tremble she sighed. "You were suppose to say no. Why would you call me fat."

Chris frowned up his face in confusion. "I'm pretty sure I just gave you a compliment. I said I like how you look."

"Nah, fuck that. Don't try to be nice now." Kae picked up his can a shaving cream from the counter then threw it at him. "Who's fat is yo bad body built momma. Fuck outta here."

Chris dodged the can then sighed. He watched Karruche stormed out of the bathroom in pure confusion. "What the hell was that?" He questioned as he followed behind her.

"Leave me alone Chris." Kae mumbled as she opened the fridge. Pulling out some vanilla ice cream she smiled doing a little dance as she also pulled out strawberries and caramel sauce.

Chris watched as she put the ice cream into a bowl then added some cut up strawberries before lastly adding the caramel sauce.

Shaking his head he laughed. "Yo wassup up with you?"

"Nothing I'm just hungry." Looking up at him she smiled then bit her lip softly as she took in his shirtless frame. "I'm a little horny too."

Chris nodded as he placed her onto the counter. "I can fix that."

She smiled but quickly stopped him. "Can you eat me while I eat this? I'm still hungry."

Chris laughed as he pecked her lips. "Yo you wild ma."



"So we have a lot to do today." Brianna smiled brightly as she took a seat with the wedding planner and Amber. "I do apologize Mrs. Marcello. My fiancé had some last minute work plans and couldn't make it so I brought my sister instead."

"Oh that's fine honey, but please call me Jennifer."

Brianna nodded. "Okay Jennifer."

"So lets start this off with a date. Have you picked one?"

"Yes. February fourteenth."

My Boyfriend's Keeper | August A. & Aaliyah | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now