Chapter Thirty Two | I Love Your Crazy

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I think you're worth it. You think I'm worth it Cause it doesn't show. You're starting to show your other side.
Monday you're mad, Tuesday you're sad, Wednesday you're perfect, Thursdays you're bad. Personality changing like crazy, Friday you're crazy. I think actually
I love your crazy, I love your crazy.



"What happened to your face?" Attempting to touch his face Trey quickly moved his face back pushing Brianna away from him.

"August fuckin' did this shit. I'm tired of being involved in y'all shit. We not fucking." Moving closer to her he raised his voice feeling his anger start to rise. To him Brianna was the reason for all of this. She made him fall in love with her then she picked August over him.

This is the second time in the last six months that August has placed hands on him but this time he took it to far by putting Baby Trey into their mess.

It had been two days since August attacked Trey and he was ready to make a move. In Trey's mind it was either kill or be killed. "That nigga thinks he can come and fight me whenever the fuck he wants and I won't do shit to his ass. I wouldn't even be in this if it wasn't for you."

"Cause of me?" Placing a hand on her still small stomach Brianna knew that she had to take it easy from now on. Staying calm she nodded her head. "How am I to blame?"

"I don't know what the fuck you did to August but ever since he got with yo ass he been on some other shit. Before he met you that was my homie for real. Now we don't even speak. We done fought twice."

"Yeah? And from the looks of your face I can clearly see who won." Rolling her eyes she pushed him back. "I don't need this shit right now. Get the fuck out." Mushing his head she turned away from him finished with the conversation.

"Don't fucking walk away from me." Grabbing a hold of her arm he pulled her back towards him. "Look bitch, I'm not getting my ass beat no more for your selfish ass." Smiling he laughed in her face. "Look how pathetic you look. You don't ever care about yourself or your son for real. August threatened me and baby Trey last night. Waving his gun all in my face and at my son. Man fuck that. I'm done with all this shit."

Grabbing a hold of her face Trey gave her a deadly glare digging his nails in her skin as he spoke. "Keep your dog on a leash. The next time that nigga comes to see me with some shit he better kill me. Because if he doesn't imma come back for yo' hoe ass and make you feel every hit he gave me." Shrugged he pushed her back. "Shit I can't be the only one hurting."

Slamming the door as he left Brianna slid to the floor feeling defeated. At this point she just wanted to run away. Away from any and everyone. That was the only way she could actually enjoy her pregnancy without stress and worry.

Wiping away her tears Brianna stood to her feet. Heading straight for her room she was determined to get her life back. Pulling down her red three piece Supreme luggage set from her closet she opened all three bags and immediately started filling them. "I can't take this shit anymore."

Talking to no one in particular Brianna let her final tears fall. In that moment she made a promise to herself not to ever let another tear fall for August, Trey, or anyone else who didn't deserve her. She was beyond cried out and tired of feeling helpless.

My Boyfriend's Keeper | August A. & Aaliyah | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now