Chapter Elven- Field Trip

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Ivan heard an explosion, but it was quite, not as loud as it usually was. He wondered why Ezekiel wasn’t falling through the roof, he doubted the boy would just stop, it wasn’t his style. He blinked a few times, not only was Ezekiel’s good morning missing, Sophie’s was almost missing.

That was when he noticed the extra weight. He looked at his chest and almost yelled. Mid-back pink hair was above a white blanket. Arianna was still asleep and he didn’t want to get punched, just because he woke her up.

“What the?” Ivan heard. He turned to see Jocelyn looking at him, her lavender eyes wide. Arianna also opened her eyes and screamed. This woke both London and Ava, who were on both sides of Jocelyn.

Arianna just looked at him and jumped of his chest. Her baby blue eyes were wide and her mouth was opened. The other three just looked at the two, Jocelyn teleported them out, before things got worse and Ivan cursed the red head.

Lillie chose that moment to enter. She saw her brother and Arianna looking at each other with horror. The girl’s face was as red as her sister’s hair, while Ivan had a slight pink blush on his face. She knew what happened and was looking for London, she needed to tell the kids something. She learned that the fastest way was to tell Francesca or London, but she wanted to see her brother’s face.

“Lillie?” Arianna didn’t know what happened, all she remembered was studying for a test and the next thing she knew, she was waking up on Ivan’s chest.

“We were just sleeping!” Ivan shouted pointing at his older sister. He knew her too well and she most likely thought something happened.

“Ivan, I’m sure your sister didn’t think that,”

“Don’t worry Ivan, I saw.” Lillie told him she needed to tell them what they were doing today and she would be able to leave with her life “You two need to get changed. We’re going on a field trip and you looked like you’ve slept in a garbage bin,”

“What for?” Ivan asked his eyes narrowed as he watched his older sister. Arianna just nodded, before going to her room. She, Sophie and Francesca had switched clothes, so she had to work with what was in her cupboard “Why are you in a good mode,”



“Morning, Ivan!” Ezekiel shouted as he walked into the shower. Ivan didn’t need to look, he knew that the boy was joining him. He learned why either Ezekiel or Aron would join him, since it saved money on the water bill if they showered together.

“Stop using my stuff!” Ivan snapped watching as the boy tried to use someone’s hair protects. A lot bang was heard in the hallway and the door was blown off its henges. He wasn’t surprised when he smelled burned wood “Why do you even have doors?”

Ava pulled back the shower curtain. She looked annoyed and pissed “Ezekiel, you know you’re the only one who can stop Sophie’s fires!” 

“That’s not true!” Ezekiel shouted. He didn’t care that Ava was seeing him naked, like Ava didn’t care that they was two naked males in front of her “London, Arianna and Jocelyn have stopped them, so annoy one of them… I’m in the shower!”

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