Chapter Six- Wake Up Calls

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A loud bang was heard from the floor above him and Ivan quickly jolted out of his sleep. He didn’t have to think about it, he rolled off his bed. As soon as he was on the floor Ezekiel turned into water and went through the floor, before reforming as a human on his bed.

“Sorry,” Ezekiel told him, but he still thought it was funny. It might have been a week, but it seemed Jocelyn forgot about Sophie’s wake up calls or she was so used to it, that she didn’t think about it. She could have also put him under his room, as a way to get rid of him.

“Fucking hell…” Ivan growled as the other boy left the room. He was glad that neither of them were a girl or else, it would have been a lot worse. This also meant that it was Monday and he had to go to school… the morning retune of this house was driving him crazy.



Ivan wasn’t looking forward to going to a new school… in the middle of the year. What he didn’t know, was the way that they wake each other up. He jolted away when cold water fell on him and he felt someone sit on his chest.

“Sorry about that,” Ezekiel told him “You should see your face, but Sophie likes to wake everyone up on the fourth floor… by shocking them out of their sleep. And I….”

Ivan looked at roof and the large path of water on the roof “Get off me,” he snapped while pushing the other boy off. He quickly had a shower and went to get something to eat. When he got to the kitchen, he saw a fire on the kitchen bench and Sophie was cooking toast over it.

“What the hell?”

“Move out of the way,” Arianna said pushing him to the side. She was able to push him into the wall and wind him, she only looked at the floating pieces of toast and grabbed one “Someone wake up, London,”

“I’ll do it,” Jocelyn said as she appeared in the kitchen, only to disappear after she got herself a piece of toast. A few seconds later, there was a yell and someone was thrown out a window, only to disappear before they landed on the ground. Soon everything that was floating dropped, the two girls only just caught the toast.

“What was that?” Ivan demanded. Things couldn’t get any weirder in this house, but he was to find out that things could get weirder.

“London,” Arianna told him. Putting her hands on her wide hips, this was normal for them. London wasn’t good at waking up, she knew that it was going to happen, but she still refused to wake up at Sophie’s alarm.

“So you throw her out a window?” Ivan shouted looking at them. Weren’t they siblings, people of their flash and blood.

“She’s not good at waking up. Don’t worry this has been happening for years,” Arianna told him before turning to Sophie “Where’s the coffee?” 

“Don’t boss me around,” she snapped. While starting a fire under the kettle, the water boiling inside it. Ivan just looked at them, while getting something from the fruit bowel, only to have Steven’s hand grab it.

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