Chapter Nine- Kindness

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Ivan carefully walked to the Kaiser Mason, removing his fringe from his face, this made him wince since the brush that covered his eye, won’t let him forget. He was glad that Lillie wouldn’t be here, since she had a meeting in a city a few hours away.

It had been a month since he started living with them. He still didn’t understand them and they didn’t understand him. They never let him sleep in, Ezekiel thought it was funny to drench him with water every morning and if not that, Jocelyn thought it was funny to teleport him over the pool. They didn’t understand his need, that he didn’t want them to see him naked, but now he didn’t feel bad when he walked in on them, in fact they just laughed the first time it happened, since he walked in on Ava and Jocelyn. In fact, he started to help the others. Since he agreed that London, Ava and Jocelyn were too skinny for their age and height.

“Evening,” Ava and Jocelyn said as he entered the house. At first the two didn’t like him, but they had help their brother and their sister. For this, Ivan had become part of the family, now all they had to do was show Arianna what she felt about the slightly older male. Ivan rolled his eyes at the two, but went to the kitchen.

He went to the mini-fridge and carpet that both he and his sister had been using, since Lillie didn’t want to eat their food. She let them have some of theirs, only because she was worried about their health. He felt like Pasta, since it would be easier to make a lot. He got a large pot and started to boil some water.

Cutting some vegetables and getting tins of tomatos out, he felt like his face just wanted to remind him. Dam both Jaiden and Maximus could punch, but both of them were running away, he didn’t think the three of them would want to touch any of the Kaiser family.

“Ivan… what are you doing?” Arianna asked from the door way. She was slightly covered in bruises, he saw them from her ill-fitting t-shirt and rolled up jeans “And I’m sorry.”

“I’m playing my imaginary piano,” Ivan jokily told her. Out of all of the kids, Arianna was the one who told him the most, than it was Jocelyn and most surprisingly Ava “What do you want?”

“Can I help?” she asked while looked at the bruise on his face “Or maybe I can get you some ice…” Arianna didn’t want to do, she was sure that he hated them, but then he something like that and now she didn’t know what to think.

“Sure,” he told her, while pointing to some vegetables that he hadn’t cut yet. He didn’t know why he enjoyed their company, they just treated him like he was a person… not just a name, a title or a check with numbers on it.

“Are you ready for the test tomorrow?” Arianna asked. She was sure that half of them were ready, but she, Ava and Jocelyn wanted to study for it. London was smart, smart enough that she could get away with sleeping in ninety percent of their classes “I don’t think a lot of us here… especially the males of the house,”

“I agree that Ezekiel and Aron are morons,”

“They are,” she agreed a painted smile on her lips. Ivan was used to her painted smiles, that it they weren’t he’d asked who they were and what they had done with the real Arianna “But with work, it’s hard… to do both of them sometimes,”

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