Life is full of surprises, isn't it Win?

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When people said life is full of surprises, Win didn't think it would be this monstrous surprise. He didn't think that it would change his life in an overnight.

"I'm so sorry for your loss," Officer Lee taps his shoulder. The sentence that makes Win's knees go weak and his head pounding like crazy. Win feels his world torn apart. How? How can someone so beautiful, kind, and thoughtful like Love die when her life is at its best? How can his best friend leave him like this? She promised to teach him how to cook green curry. They supposed to go shopping tomorrow for Khao's birthday party next week.

"The baby..." that's the only word that comes out from Win's mouth.

Officer Lee nods, "The baby is under the CPS right now. She was at home, safe and sound with her babysitter at the time of the accident."

Pear. My poor little girl.


"Child Protection Service. They took over her child for cases like this,"

Win's heart stops beating, "Cases like this..."

"Orphan. Both of them died at the place," the officer completes Win's sentence.

No! "Oh, God!"

"I'm so sorry,"

"Win," another voice comes from behind. Win turns around his body to the source and finds Bright standing there with red eyes and messy hair.

"Hey," Win's voice comes out hoarse, "Have you heard..."

Bright nods, "Yeah. Officer Podd told me," he steps forward and hugs Win, "I'm sorry," his body shaking as if he's holding back and Win cries on his hug.

"Please tell me this is a joke, Bright," Win pleads, "This can't be happening, right?"

Bright doesn't say anything but tighten his hug and buries his head on Win's shoulder.


Win met Bright years ago when Love and Gunsmile invited them for dinner. The lovebirds just dating for 4 months and decided that it was a good idea to meet both of their best friends, and being a matchmaker. No, it turned out Bright and Win were the complete opposite.

The chic guy Win wasn't pleased with how easy going and laid back the rockstar Bright. The whole dinner filled with Win threw sarcastic statements over Bright's jokes and Bright laughed at everything Win said. There's nothing but hate between them. If it isn't for their best friends, Bright and Win would never want to see each other again.

"All he does is whining!" Bright sighed when Gunsmile asked him why he hates Win so much.

"Did you see how careless he was?!" and that's what Win said to Love when Bright left the kitchen, after almost dropping the whole pudding that Win made this morning.

Although Love and Gunsmile knew how annoyed Win with Bright and how Bright strongly dislike Win's controlling behaviour, they managed to bring them on every occasion to witness their most memorable moments such as their engagement. Win baked macaron and beautiful cake on their engagement party and of course, Bright sang. The party turned into an exclusive concert, the guests were Bright's fans, obviously.

They also helped the lovebirds moved to their first house. Despite his busy schedule, Bright managed to spare his weekend only to help his best friends moving the furniture. For once, Win thought that's a good side of this rockstar apart from his attractive face and hot body.

"The only good thing about Bright is he's extremely hot," Win rolled his eyes and Love was laughing her lungs out when they kept glancing at shirtless Bright who painted Love's new kitchen.

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