It's okay, Win. I'm here now.

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"She's the only person in the country who doesn't like my cooking. It's getting personal now!" Win pouts.

Bright chuckles, "So, what are you making now?" he brings his empty plate to the bin. He has three hours before his concert start and right on time, Win just tucked Pear to the bed.

"Homemade noodle," Win sighs, "She barely ate yesterday. I tried with playing your videos, it worked last weeks. I think she realised those are the same videos,"

"Hm," Bright nods, "I'll make new ones then."

Win rests his chin on his palm and stares at his boyfriend, "Hey, I have to say something to you, Sir."

"What is it, my love?"

"Don't you dare to wear a see-through shirt like yesterday! My Twitter timeline was full of your horny fans!"

Bright laughs his lungs out.

"Just wear some ugly t-shirt or something!" Win pouts.

"Alright, I'll wear a t-shirt tonight. But the most important question is," Bright gets closer to his phone, "Are you one of those fans?"

Win shrugs, "Nope. I've seen and touched them all."

Bright raises his right eyebrow, "Hm, cocky, aren't you?"

"Yes, your cock is mine." Win smirks, "Be a good boy."

Bright closes his eyes and let out a big sigh, "Metawin, you're testing my patience!"


Win never felt so panic in his entire life. He's now in the ER with Pear and Mintra. Pear has a high fever and her body turns blue. That's when Win decided to call Mintra for help and his sister suggested to take her to the ER.

"Your daughter got urethra bacterial infection. We already gave her antibiotics, now we'll see how she's doing in the next hour or so. If her temperature is not going down, she might need to stay here for the night,"

Win really wants to cry now, "How is she now?"

"She's sleeping. Urinary tract infection can be painful, that's why she keeps crying and refusing to eat."

Mintra nods, "You stay with her. I'll take care of the administration."

"Thank you, doc." Win walks slowly to her bed. She's asleep. Her chubby cheeks are pale instead of flushed as usual.

He kisses her forehead, "I'm so sorry, Baby. Please be alright,"


"Win called you earlier," Toptap said when Bright gets off from the stage after saying the last goodbye to the fans. The manager's face looks unhappy and worried which makes Bright a bit nervous.

The singer frowns, he knows his boyfriend never call him during the show, "That's unusual,"

Toptap nods, "I called him back. Your daughter was in the hospital, or they still are,"

"What?! What happened?"

Toptap gives him his phone, "They were in the ER when I called. I'm not sure,"

Bright doesn't wait any longer and calls Win immediately. His boyfriend picks up on the fourth note, "Hi, babe." he sounds so exhausted.

"Win, I just got off of the stage. What happened?" Bright can feel his heart thumping like crazy, no good thoughts on his mind. Unconsciously, he walks back and forth until his manager pulls his arm to sit.

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