A Tale of the Sun

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 Bright didn't expect that the whole Opas-iamkajorn will be joining Pear and Max's playdate. For the first time, Bright meets Win's parents and grandparents.

This is not a playdate, this is a family gathering.

"They're curious about you!" Mesa chuckles as she notices Bright a bit surprised with how packed Mintra's house is right now. Bright feels like he's in the middle of a party, people coming from the dining area back and forth, chatting, laughing.

Win, how is this Pear and Max's playdate?

Bright grins, "I wish I wear something better," he pulls the edge of his plain grey t-shirt, "Like a shirt or something nicer because I'm meeting your grandparents,"

"Don't worry. They all are head over heels with you, Bright." Mesa smiles.

There's a strange feeling inside his heart now. Bright feels so nervous just like when he was going to sign the contract deal with his record label for the first time or when he had his first-ever solo concert.

Win's parents talked to him earlier before they both busy with Pear, was something else. The way Win's dad casually talked to him as if this isn't the first time they met, hugged his shoulders while they're talking about miscellaneous things and even called him son is obviously something that never crossed in mind even in Bright's wildest dream.

Then when Bright met Win's mum and the beautiful woman casually hugged him tight and walked him straight to the kitchen to try her new muffin recipe is something that Bright longing for— a warmth that Bright never thought he needed and it came from his boyfriend's mother.

Win walks toward them with two plates on his hand, "Pear is playing with Max and Ava. Mintra and my Mum are watching them. It's time for us to eat,"

Bright accepts the plate, "Thanks,"

"Sorry, I didn't know my parents and grandparents are coming too," Win scoffs, "Once I told Mintra that you're coming, everybody started to get ready."

"Hm," Bright chuckles, "I hope your grandma doesn't force me to sing today. I mean, it'd be nerve-wracking to have an exclusive concert for the Opas-iamkajorn,"

Win giggles, "She told you she likes your music, didn't she?"

"Yeah, a few times actually. She even asked if I can give her free tickets to the concert," Bright whispers.

Mesa bursts into laughter, "No way! Nana is not allowed to go to the concert. Even your concert, Bright."

And as if it's not enough, Win's eyes catch his uncle and aunty walk into the door, "God, even my uncle and aunty are here!"

"Damn! If this is not a charm, I don't know what it," Mesa giggles, "They hate family gathering by the way," she informs Bright, "but look at them now! So excited to see Win's husband."

"Mesa!" Win glares at his sister and she just shrugs and walks toward their uncle and aunty. He's too embarrassed to see his boyfriend now.

Bright smirks, "Win's husband, huh? What a delightful label that I got,"

"Shut up!" Win blushes, "Mintra and Mesa have been calling you since we agreed to be co-parents,"

The singer nods, "I don't mind. It's my future anyway," he states as he continues to eat while his boyfriend stares at him in surprise.


Bright crawls into bed and rests his head on Win's laps. Win puts down his Kindle above the bedside table and caresses Bright's head and his boyfriend stares at him, smiling.

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