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I had Can't Help Falling in Love - André Rieu, Johann Strauss Orchestra on repeat while writing this chapter. If you want to, you can listen to it too!




(n.) the act of loving the one who loves you; a love returned in full.


"Merry Christmas!"

As usual, the Opas-iamkajorn throws a Christmas party at Nana's house. The grandma of 10 grandchildren is looking happier tonight as she raises her wine glass, "To more beautiful year ahead,"

Win is never absent to the annual Christmas party but this year hits differently. He's here with his little family— a boyfriend and a daughter. Bright is standing next to him with Pear on his arms, the baby playing with the singer's hair.

"Merry Christmas, Pumpkin." Win leans to kiss Pear's chubby cheek and then stares at his boyfriend who's already staring at him, "Merry Christmas to you too, my love."

Bright smiles, "Merry Christmas, my nuisances." then he looks up, "Nana forgot to hung mistletoe,"

Win chuckles, "Silly!"

His boyfriend smiles and leans in to kiss him on the lips, "I love you," he whispers and Win just nods as his hands hug them both.

"I love you," he says softly.

It is still clear in his mind that a year ago he called Love after dinner and said, "I think we should celebrate Christmas together next year,"

His beautiful best friend frowned, "Well, you can't miss the annual Opas-iamkajorn party, Win."

"You and Gunsmile should join us. I mean, you are a part of this family too, Love."

Love nodded, "Maybe. Or maybe you take someone else to the party instead of us, which is a way better option."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I don't know, like your partner?"

Win was annoyed, "Nah, that won't happen."


"I'm too busy to have a partner," he shrugged, "I probably won't have one until I'm 30."

Love raised her eyebrow, "You never know. Maybe, you already have a family next year!" and they just laughed it off.

It's a simple yet beautiful memory to look back now. You're right, I have a family now.

"Where were you last Christmas, Bright?" Win asks out of the blue, making his boyfriend who's caressing Pear's head on his chest turns his head around.

"Nothing much. I went to some kind of celebrity Christmas party, stayed there for an hour or so because it was pretty boring. Then I went to Gun's house and had dinner with them, stayed there for two hours or so. You know, now I remember something,"

Win tilts his head, "What is it?"

"I remember that night, Love said something that's weird but now that I think about it, it wasn't weird. It was... some sort of hints from the universe or something," Bright chuckles, "As if she knew,"

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