I'm not your fan, Bright

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Win wakes up to Pear's morning crying. He let out a soft groan as he turns his body to the other side, "Bright," he says as his hand reaches to wake his boyfriend up like usual only to fall on the empty bed.

He opens his eyes, surprised to his own realisation. Bright is on tour, stupid!

He is so used to waking up next to Bright for the past months, and this is the first morning he wakes up alone. Why is it hurt?

Forcing himself to get up out of the bed, Win quickly walks to the nursery where the baby cries. Pear is already standing on her crib, messy hair, red cheeks and nose, "Dada... Papa..." she mumbles.

Win picks her up and caresses her head, "Good morning, Baby. It's okay. Dada is here," he bounces the baby who's become calmer.

"Is it a bad dream, Pear?"

The baby frowns as her head lays on his chest, "Papa,"

Win can feel his heart heavier, "Do you miss Papa? I miss him too. It's weird, isn't it? Waking up and he's not here,"


"Hi, Bunny. I just landed,"

"Hi. How's your flight?"

"It's okay, pretty good landing actually."

"Are you going straight to the hotel or the venue?"

"Venue. We only have 5 hours before the concert start. I need to tune my guitars before the show, you know I like to do that myself. How's Pear?"

"She's calling you all morning. I can tell she's kinda down today. She's napping at my office now, Pam watches her."

"Oh, poor baby girl,"

"Have you eaten? I had chicken parmigiana for lunch. Mintra bought it from the restaurant next door, not as good as your cooking tho,"

"I will eat when we get to the venue. Well, what can I say? My recipe is the only one that's true,"

"You know what? Never mind. I can cook better."

"Competitive as usual,"




"I miss you,"

"I miss you too, Bright."


Bright stares at the undone stage with full of excitement. Here we go again, his touring life begins today. At least 20 people coming back and forth with pieces of equipment in hands to prepare the lighting, smoke machine, and everything. Bright personally likes to keep his stage simple, just enough to balance the atmosphere of his songs.

"Your majesty," Toptap comes with a rice bowl and a bottle of water.

Bright smiles, "Thank you. Where's yours?"

"I have mine in the changing room. So, ready for tonight?"

The rockstar nods, "Always,"

"You will tell me if you're not feeling well, right?" the manager demands an answer he's hoping for.

Bright understands where the question comes from. The touring life of a musician is not as glamorous as shown on TV or movies which the bands most of the time get drunk and wasted. Starting tomorrow, Bright will go to bed at 3 in the morning and wake up at 7, not to mention countless hours on the tour bus and/or catching flights.

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