It's pumpkin time, Win!

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 Win wakes up to his head pounding. He looks around and surprises to realise he's on his room. The last thing he remembers is he had a few glasses of whisky. He turns his head to the bedside table to find his phone but only to see some aspirin and of course, a glass of water. He takes the pill and drinks the water until it's half empty.

What happened last night?

He forces himself to get out of the bed, walks to the bathroom to wash his face and brushes his teeth. Then he remembers, this is too quiet. What time is it? He can't find his phone anywhere so he rushes to Pear's bedroom. She's not there.

"Pear?" now he's panicking, "Pear!"

"We're here!" he can hear Bright's voice from the backyard. Win can tell it's already noon because the sun is literally poking his eyes.

Bright is playing with Pear on the grass. She's wearing cute little swimmers and Bright, of course, shirtless. Those toned abs are not helping at all. The singer waves Pear's hand, "Say, good afternoon, Dada."

"Oh, God!" Win sighs, "How long did I sleep?"

Bright shrugs, "Not sure but it is 3 pm, and it is Saturday in case you forget. You are lucky I have this weekend off."

"Sorry," Win joins them, "I... I had too much drink, I guess."

Bright smirks, "Yeah, you were. I had to drag your body to the bedroom. It was very challenging,"

"Thanks," Win rolls his eyes, "Where is Pam?"

"It's Saturday, Win. She's not here at the weekend." Bright reminds him again, "I already feed her and changed her diaper. We swam for 20 minutes. I read on the book it's good for the baby to practise to swim,"

Win raises his eyebrow, "Book?"

"Mm," Bright nods, "I bought some parenting books the other day. Do you want to read those books?"

Win mesmerised with how well-thought Bright is. He didn't think Bright will be this invested in this parenting world. This situation is new and foreign for both of them, and thinking how Bright is adapting to this whole thing while also staying as a professional singer is beyond Win's understanding. He barely stays sane these days.

"Yeah, sure. Thanks,"

Bright nods and plays with Pear again. She seems tired because she keeps yawning, "Alright, pumpkin. Let's get changed and go to bed," he picks her up, "Oh Win, there's food for you in the dining table. I ordered some take-outs. I can't be bothered to cook."

Win nods, "Thank you."

"How are you feeling?" Bright smirks, "Still jealous?"

Win frowns and about to snap but then he remembers everything from last night. He remembers Bright came home and went to the kitchen and he followed him. Then they talked and... God, why did I say that?!

"Bright, I was drunk!"

The singer laughs, "I know. I also know a drunk mind speaks a sober heart, Win. Let me tuck her in and we will talk, okay, babe?" and then he caresses Win's head before leaving Win who's now praying to vanish.


Bright ordered some Thai food and the singer clearly couldn't care less that his orders are way too much for two. Although, that's kinda nice because it's been a while since Win ate a homemade meal like this. While he's eating in silence, on the other side of the dining table, Bright just staring at him with a grin on his face.

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