Our Magical Beginning

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When we have each other, we have everything.


"Hi, Dada!"

"Hi, little sunshine. Are you home?"

"Yeah, I just got in. I left my computer in Papa's car. Can I use your computer? I need to log in to my cloud to submit my report."

"Of course. My laptop is on our bedroom and I guess Papa left his on his office too,"

"No, I don't want to use Papa's. I can't figure out his password! He is so annoying,"

"Hi, pumpkin!"

"Hello to you too, Mr walking Louvre museum!"

"Pear, it's a basic algebra question."

"Papa, I'm only 15! Why do I have to burden such a problem? Jeez, it's only your password!"

"Oh God, here we go again!"

"You're smart enough to solve the problem, Pumpkin."

"Whatever! All I know that is not a basic algebra question!"


"You can solve it. I know you can,"

"Dada, your husband is soooooo annoying!"

"Pear, stop screaming."

"Solve it,"


"Whatever! I'm using Dada's computer!"

"Pear, stop,"

"Say goodbye to CTRL + S merchandise then,"

"What? No! Dada!!!!"

"Oh my goodness,"


I can see Papa's silly face on my phone screen so clear, laughing at me because I can't guess his password. His computer password. Hello, who the heck use a mathematics formula as a password?! Dada's password is normal, he uses the combination of our initials and birthdays.

Dada massages his head as he always does whenever Papa and I start bickering, "Goodness, you two! Pear, you can use my computer. It's in our bedroom,"

"Thanks, Dada!" I blow a kiss.

"Solve it," Papa smirks, "I'll take you to CTRL+ S exclusive concert next month if you can solve the problem,"

"Dada, you need to tell your husband to use a normal password as normal people do!" I roll my eyes, annoyed. Papa knows my weakness is CTRL + S. I love that band so much. Dada introduced their songs to me when I was 8 years old and I haven't stopped listening to them ever since. He said, the band supposedly sang on Second Souri's opening day but they had an accident so Papa was the one who sang.

Well, that was actually very cute. They went from some sort of awkward people to lovers, wait, were they awkward or hate each other?

Dada chuckles, "Pear, you know why Papa has a unique password. We don't want his account get hacked again, do we?"

"Yeah, I know." I pout, "But he doesn't have to ask me to solve it. I hate maths,"

"Silly Pumpkin," Papa chuckles and then waves, "We will see you soon. You better finish your homework before movie night. Tonight is your turn to pick a movie,"

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