Why are you like this, Metawin?

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"Good morning, everyone. I'm here to clarify some things that have been leading to misunderstanding. First of all, thank you for always supporting my music and respecting my decisions. Second of all, I did not impregnate anyone. Gosh, I barely get laid these days,"

The reporters laugh with him.

"To answer the big question, yes, I'm a Papa to a beautiful baby girl now,"

"Whose kid is she?"

"She's my best friends' daughter. I'm taking care of her because her parents are in heaven. Oh before you ask, yes, I'm not alone. I'm co-parenting with a good friend."

"Who is her god-mother, Bright?"

"Who is she?"

"Who is your co-parenting partner?"

"He is a good person, that's all I can say. I respect his privacy and I hope you guys too,"

"Are you both the god-fathers?"


"Do you live together?"

"We do."

"How old is the baby?"

"She is 15 months old. I hope everybody respects our decision to keep her away from the media,"

"What happens when you are on tour?"

"It's ours to think, guys. You don't have to worry. Nothing will change, I'm still going on tour in the following months, both of our careers won't be affected and she will be as happy and beautiful as she is right now."

"What's the most challenging to be a new parent?"

"The diapers. Man, she eats so little to produce things like that,"

The reporters laugh again.

"What about Gigie? Does she approved you living with another man and taking care of the baby together?"

"Why wouldn't she? I'm trying my best to be my baby's Papa here. I'm sure she's proud of me,"


Win feels thunder in his body, his hand slowly close down the laptop and tries his best to manage his breathing pattern. He just finished watching Bright's press conference— no, he didn't finish it, he stopped watching it.

"Are you okay?" Mintra suddenly appears on his office, holding a cupcake, "New recipe. Try it,"

He just nods, "Yeah, yeah." he takes the cupcake from Mintra's hand and takes a bite, "Mm, good." he mumbles.

Mintra frowns, "That's it?"

"It's good, Ming. I love it." Win forces a smile in his lips, "I'll join you guys in a sec. I just... I need..."

"Spill it!" Mintra folds her hands on her chest and her younger brother just stares at her blankly, "What bothers you? And don't you dare to lie because I know something happened before I got here. You usually give me at least five sentences when you try the new recipe not just some mm good shit,"

Win sighs. His sister knows him damn too well. Although he's not sure if he should talk about this, seeing Mintra staring at him with two sharp eyes is a sign that there's no way out of this. Both of his sisters are really good at finding things, or maybe Win is just too easy to guess.

"Uh," Win stutters, "I think... I think Bright has a girlfriend,"

Mintra frowns, "How do you know?"

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