What am I? Uncle Bright?

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 Bright wakes up before his alarm goes off. It's only 5.10 am but he forces himself to get up and makes his way to the bathroom. He makes a mental note to get more stuff from his condo. Wait, now that I live here, should I pack all of my things here or... He shrugs it off and decides to talk about this matter with his amazing manager instead.

The house is still quiet. Before he went to the bathroom, Bright checked if Pear is awake or still asleep. Lucky for him the little angel is still asleep peacefully on her crib, hugging her carrot plushie. Hopefully, she's still asleep until Bright get dressed. He knows Win was mentally and physically tired, and yesterday at dinner, they're restarting their friendship, or at least Bright tried to. No more teasing, no more blaming others.

Right after Bright just turned off the shower, Pear is screaming from the next door. He quickly grabs his towel and wraps it around his waist. The baby is sitting on her crib when Bright opens the door with wet pink cheeks and teary eyes.

"Hey hey," Bright picks her up, "What is it, bad dream? Oh, it's okay. It's okay, I'm here now,"

Pear is still fussing. Bright looks around, trying to find her pacifier but he can't find it anywhere, "Ssshhh. It's okay, baby,"

"Sorry, I just woke up," Win barges in with his bed hair and puffy eyes, "Hi baby, are you hungry?" he tries his best to not keep eyeing at Bright's wet body.

Why is he always like this in the morning?!

Bright's eyes still scan the room, "Can you find her pacifier?"

"Oh, yeah." Win nods and looks around the room, "Pam washed them all yesterday. Pear had one before bed too, where are they now?"

"There! There's one under the crib!" Bright points to the floor.

Win follows Bright's direction and gets down on the floor, trying to reach the pacifier but it's too far away. He stands up too quickly and hit his head to the edge of the crib and he falls to the floor. Pear is laughing, and of course Bright laughs too.

"Is it funny now?" Win can't help but laugh with them, although his forehead is now in pain.

Bright raises his palm, "High five, baby!"

Win stares at them. Pear's chubby cheeks become wider as her eyes turn into crescent moons when she's laughing. Her soft and pretty voice filled the room while Bright stares at her with so much adoration in his eyes.

Is this my life now? Taking care of my best friend's baby with this guy?

"Are you alright, Win?" Bright's voice becomes softer.

Win nods, "Yeah, just... amazed."


"Her laugh," Win smiles, "It's been a while since... she laughed like that." and you, Bright. I never saw you laughed like that, not with me.

Bright nods, "Now, I have 7 am call and I'm still naked and wet. Can you please take her?"

Naked and wet. Motherfucker, I can see that!


"Your name is trending on Twitter since last night," that's what Toptap say when Bright just arrived at the manager's office.

"Good morning to you too, Sir." Bright takes off his denim jacket, "And why am I trending?"

Toptap brings his iPad to the sofa and sits next to Bright, "The press and your fans already found out about you adopting a daughter with another man," he shows the singer the headlines and yet, Bright is not amused. He just shrugs.

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