Life as We Know It

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Dear Bright,

You are currently sleeping like a baby next to me, half of your tattoo on your back is peeking up from the duvet you're wrapped in. It's a beautiful view to see.

You are beautiful.

Your short, dark brown hair is a bit messy but that's so charming, the sound of your breathing is music to my ears every night and I'd love to have that for the rest of my life, your skin is so soft, my most favourite thing to touch.

My Sun, knowing you are next to me is the most valuable thing for me.

All those nights I spent alone when you were on tour was hurting me. The bed was bigger and emptier each day when we were away. That's okay because every pain I endured was paid off by seeing you on the stage. My God, you were so incredible! It's one of the most magical moments in my life.

Yesterday you asked me to marry you and I said yes.

Yes to more adventurous and brighter days ahead.

Yes to laugh at every little thing with you.

Yes to more forehead kiss before we go to bed.

Yes to be your nuisance for as long as I can.

Thank you for being the most amazing partner I could ever ask for, Bright. and thank you for giving up so much for me and Pear. I can never thank you enough.

Now, I'm gonna stare into your handsome face until I fall asleep and wrap my arms around you until you wake up.

Love and kisses,

Win the Great Nuisance




Bright rests his head on Win's shoulder, "What do you say about us buying a house?"

The pastry chef stops typing on his computer, eyes locked into his target, "Don't tell me you already buy a house?!"

Bright chuckles, "Of course I haven't, babe. I want to buy it together with you."

Win let out a big sigh, "You need to stop surprising me or I will die from a heart attack, Bright. You know, I'm still young! I'm only 28. Just a week ago you surprised me with the most extravagant birthday gift,"

"You mean my proposal?"

Win smirks, "Maybe?"

"Hey! You said that's the most beautiful gift you've ever received!" Bright pouts and Win can't help but laughs.

Win softly punches Bright's arm, "Oh, come on! I cried for three nights!"

"I know. I love you so much," Bright lands a kiss on the back of Win's hand.

Win sniffs on Bright's head, "I love you more, Bright."

Bright wakes up and looks at Win, "Let's... Let's have our own house, Win. I mean, I understand this house is Pear's. It will always be hers. But... We are here now. We can't keep shadowing Love and Gunsmile," he holds Win's hand, "It's time to start our own family, life as we know it,"

Win nods, "Yeah. We're getting married soon, it's nice to have our own house. I... I want to decor my own house too,"

"Of course you can do that, my love." Bright smiles, "So?"

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