I can't do this anymore, Bright.

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 "So, where is she now?" Bright is on the video call with Toptap. The media really make a fuss about him adopting a baby and the agency decided to make a press conference, tomorrow before it affects Bright's career furthermore.

"She's sleeping, it's her first nap. We had breakfast and played for a bit," Bright leans his back on the sofa. It's been an interesting morning to have Pear by his own and honestly, he enjoyed it.

Toptap giggles, "It's kinda amusing to me someone like you can be tamed by a baby,"

"What do you mean someone like me? God, are you father shaming me?"

The manager laughs his lungs out, "I mean, you are all about a leather jacket, guitar, crazy fans, and such. Now, you smell like a baby powder,"

Bright grins, "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

"What do you think?" Toptap smiles, "You know, I'm gonna say something and this is not me being your manager but me being your friend, or older brother, or shit like that."

Bright murmurs, "Uh, should I be worried?"

"I feel like you are happier in the morning. I don't know if this is because of Pear, or Win, or you just generally always in a good mood in the morning, but so far, I don't see you coming at work with ugly face and rant about the baby. You're doing good, Bright. You are a good father figure for Pear,"

A smile curved on Bright's face, "So that's a good thing."

"Although on the other side, your career is... what should I say, shake a little bit. Don't worry, you loved by many people, you are talented and when it comes to your music and work, you always give people beyond their expectation." Toptap assures him.

Bright smiles, "You are not bad to be an older brother, to be honest."

"Oh, shut up! We won't have this conversation again," Toptap smirks.

"No," Bright shakes his head, "Thank you for everything. I still figuring out how to be a parent, how to work with Win, and everything about this, you know what I mean? So, yeah, hearing someone said that I did a good job so far means a lot,"

Toptap nods, "I know nothing about parenting but I know it's not an easy thing to do. Speaking of Win, how is his reaction with you being on tour for two months?"

Bright sighs, "He's kinda... worried. He didn't say anything tho but I can tell," he grabs his orange juice, "That's why I want to take them with me when I'm in the area."

"Bright, she's one year old and he has to work anyway."

"I can ask him if he wants," Bright assures his decision, "I can't leave him alone, Tap. He's already anxious even when I'm still here. Although, this morning, he left with a big smile on his face. I'm not sure why, but probably because Pear called me Papa for the first time?"

The manager's eyes widened, he even gets closer to the screen, "Papa? Oh, God! So, you are no longer the walking Louvre museum but Papa Bright, now?!" his manager teasing him with.

"Oh, come on!" Bright blushes, "I kinda like it tho. I mean, Papa Bright sounds hot!"

Toptap laughs, "Good lord, I'm your manager for ten years and this is the first time you call yourself hot!"

"Really?" Bright frowns, "Well, there's always a first time for everything,"

"Yeah. See, you are amused with little things now," Toptap smiles, "Jokes aside, I'm so proud of you, Bud."

"Thanks, Dad." Bright grins and his manager rolls his eyes.

Bright hears Pear's crying from her room. "Sorry, gotta go. I got a baby call."

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