The Connoisseur and The Businessman

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 "I hate that cowboy painting!" Bright let out a deep sigh as his eyes scan the living room, a glass of champagne on one hand and the other holding his boyfriend's hand gently.

Win nods in agreement, "Me too. I don't understand what Gunsmile thought when he bought it," and yet his eyes kept staring at the cowboy painting above the fireplace, "That is the ugliest cowboy I've ever seen in my entire existence!" he states sternly.

Bright turns his head to see his boyfriend, "Should we take it down?"

"Should we," Win looks around them, his eyes catch every framed photo on the room, "Take every photo down? I mean... we live here now. Seeing their faces is... "

"Sad," his boyfriend provides the word as he also feels the same with Win.

Win sighs, "Yeah,"

Bright's eyes to look around his surrounding, "This feels like a depression museum,"

"As if we're waiting for them to come back," Win bites his lower lip, feeling rather than nauseous.

"Which they're not,"

Both of them stay in a strange silence. Bright puts down his glass above the coffee table and turns his body around to face his boyfriend, "That's it! Let's take everything down,"


Bright opens his eyes as soon as his ears catch Pear's morning cry. He sniffs on Win's nape and then plants soft kisses on Win's milky skin, "Baby call," he whispers. His hand snakes into Win's waist and pulls him closer.

Win groans, "5 more minutes," he turns around and snakes his hand around Bright's bare waist, "Just 5 more minutes," and buries his head on Bright's chest.

"She's screaming, Win." Bright kisses Win's crown and releases his body from Win's hug making the chic guy opens his eyes, "I'll bring her here,"

"Bright, you are naked!" Win chuckles.

The singer looks down and laughs, "Right. Where did you throw my brief last night?"

"I don't remember," Win smiles, "Just... get something else. She's screaming!"

Bright picks up Win's boxer from the floor and quickly wears it, "Disgusting!" Win snaps and Bright doesn't care but runs toward Pear's bedroom.

"Papa's coming, pumpkin!"

Win gets up from the bed, picking up his t-shirt, Bright's shirt, and their pants and throws them into the laundry basket. He opens up the curtains and windows to get fresh air filling the bedroom.

Bright comes in with Pear in his hands, "Good morning, Dada!" he talks in a soft voice and it makes the baby giggles with arms open as soon as she sees Win walking toward them.

Win picks her up, "Good morning, honey." he lands a soft kiss on her head and brings her to the bed where Bright is already lying down with eyes closed.

"I already changed her diaper," Bright murmurs, "Now... give me 10 more minutes,"

Win shakes his head, "Bright, you have 7.30 am call. It's already 6. 15,"

"5 minutes,"

"Bright, wake up!"

"I'm tired,"

"Bright, come on!"

"Papa," Pear joins the party and it makes Bright wakes up with giggles.

"Okay okay," Bright kisses her hand, "I'm awake now." he leans in to kiss Win on the lips and makes his way to the bathroom.

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