Well, Win hates me. Period.

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 "Wait, WHAT?!"

"Yeah. I'm her God-father, so..."

"Wait a second. Let me breathe,"


"So, you are saying that you will take care of the baby girl with her god-mother?"

Bright knows this is going to create some kind of a nightmare to his manager, "Er... I'm one of the god-fathers. I'm taking care of Pear with him,"

"JESUS CHRIST!" now the manager is shouting— no, screaming.


"I have no idea what to say!"

Bright sighs, "You tell me, Tap. I have no idea this would happen to me,"

"Man, sorry... I mean, WOW!"

"You're my manager. You should say something encouraging to me because I'm so lost right now." Bright's voice getting lower. The guy on the other side of the phone notices and soften.

"I'm so sorry, It's just... hard to comprehend, you know? Anyway, How are you feeling?"

"I'm alright, I guess? No, that's a lie. I don't know. This is... too much. I just lost my best friend, Tap. Now I have to take care of his child. I mean, I don't know if I can do this."

"I'm sorry. I should've known what to say to you right now. All I know is, you are going to do your best just like you usually do, right Bright?"

Bright runs his fingers through his hair, "I don't know, Tap. I mean... how can I be a father when I never had a father?"


Bright massages his head, he's been having a migraine for hours now. He just talked to Toptap, his manager and explained everything, the manager can't do anything except to agree to what's the lawyer said.

They talked for almost an hour and before he hung up, Toptap reminded him about tomorrow's schedule, "You have a photoshoot at 9 am, Instagram live with Adidas at 1 pm, and an off-air show at 3 pm."

It should be fine in his regular days but now it's a different time. It means Bright will be out until dinner time. He won't be able to help Win to take care of Pear. This is gonna be bad. Like, bad bad.

"Here, you should eat something." Win comes with turkey sandwiches for both of them. He sits next to Bright, "What happened to you?"

Bright takes one of the sandwiches from the plate, "I'll be out all day tomorrow."

"Oh, why?"

"Work?" Bright scoffs, "What else?"

Win rolls his eyes, "But I have to go to work too,"

"I can't take her with me, Win." Bright tries to be as calm as possible. Win starts whining again, the personality trait that Bright hates the most from him, "I have a photoshoot in the morning, live with a brand in the noon and off-air show in the afternoon. Tomorrow is my pretty chill day for me to be honest,"

"Oh," Win pouts, "Sorry. I was..."

"It's fine. I don't want to talk about it," Bright loss the appetite now, "I already ask my manager to find us a babysitter."


The tension is awkward again.

"I can take her to work tomorrow. My sister should be able to help," Win says after stay silent for a while.

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