Chapter 9

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"so...this is a titan," Alina said looking at Eren's titan form. She's so near and there isn't fear in her eyes. She's just like Hanji. The only difference is that Alina isn't interested in titans...

"yes. This is his titan form. Now, we'll test whether he understands us or not." Hanji said smiling. The others just look at them. Levi is on his horse looking at Eren from above...Alina is looking up at Eren's face and then she smiled.

"Eren!!" Eren looked at her and then she smiled waving.

"you're so tall!!" she said and then laughed. The others looked at her and they can see how fearless she is. Levi frowned and then shouted.

"Oi stupid! Don't go near that kid." He said but Alina just smiled...she then looked at Hanji who is also smiling.

"that's why I want you to help me with my experiment. You're not afraid of titans...not like the others." She said and then sighed.

"Are they even bigger than Eren?" Alina asked so Hanji nodded.

"yup. Some of them..." she said.
They then watched how the experiment went and it's a relief it's went well. Alina then looked at Eren who is now getting off the titan body. She looked at him carefully...

'so that's how it the nape of the titan, Eren came out...'

She looked at Eren and then smiled at him. He also smiled back and then because of the steam coming from the titan, she can't clearly see what's going on...

"what's going on? Why is there steam?" she asked Hanji who excitedly went there

"it's coming from the's going to evaporate."

"the titan?"

"uhuh." You watched Hanji and then just looked around and they are also looking at her.

Maybe..this is the time you can escape? You then walked slowly...away from them whose attention is on the titan.

"escaping huh?" Alina then gulped and then froze but still smiled. The captain is just behind her and she can feel how close he is.

"of course not...Captain."

" can fool those brats but not me." you clenched your fist in anger and then luckily the steam is still covering glared at the front where no one is there and then you chuckled...

"right...good day, Captain." You said and then started walking but you felt him grip your wrist and then pulled you up.

Your eyes widened when you realized you're lying on the horse with your belly and he is already sitting holding the reins. Before you can go down, the horse ran and you don't have a choice but to think how are you going to get tried to sit properly or just let go and then roll on the ground but he held the back collar of your blouse for you not to move...

You stayed like that glaring while looking at the don't even know where you are so you tried to look around but all you can see are trees...after a while, the horse stopped and you are panting since you really can't breathe very well during the ride...

He got down and pulled you so you ended up on the ground holding your chest catching breath.

After a while, you looked at where you are and then tried to stand. You shook off your clothes to remove the specks of dust and then took a deep breath.

"C-Captain...why are we here?" you asked him not looking at him at all...

"tch...look at me," he said so you froze and then smiled...before you look at him or his cravat. He glared at you and then held your collar pulling you. you gulped and then looked at your collar.

Queen Of The Underground: Her Mentor [Levi x reader (OC)]Where stories live. Discover now