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"That stupid brat." Levi frowned while walking towards Alina pulling her away from the ocean.

"Oi, don't casually throw yourself into that blue fucking water. We don't know what shits are inside that." He said pulling her ears as he walks away from the ocean.

"What?! No, It's perfectly safe, Levi" she said and smiled at him...so he sighed letting go.

"Well...it's just salty so it hurts the eyes." She said before running toward the water again before Levi can pull her again.

"Let her go, Levi...you have gotten more overprotective to her than usual," Hanji said laughing at him and then looked at Alina and the kids who are playing there.

Matt and the others are also looking at the ocean in amazement...

"Damn, that stupid is pregnant. I knew it, bringing her here is definitely the worst idea." He said frowning so Hanji just smiled.

"She wanted to see the ocean Levi...even during that day...that's what she wanted." Hanji sighed remembering that day...


"until...then...honey," Alina said before she totally collapsed on his shoulder.

"A...Alina?!!!" They all said and looked at Levi...

"Ali..." He whispered and then bowed tightly hugging her...he can still feel it...the pain inside his heart.

It's so painful right now that he felt like his heart is being torn apart...

"C-captain..." Jeff said while tears streaming down his face too...

"Damn..." Levi said closing his eyes. No matter how much he shakes off the pain, it even intensified and he realized something...

"Hanji...check if she's still alive...even if it's just a very weak pulse," Levi said softly so Hanji gulped and widened her eyes before taking her pulse and her eyes widened...

"Levi! Check if she's still breathing. Come on check her!"

Levi immediately felt if she's still breathing...his eyes widened when he still feel a very weak breath. It's very weak that when you won't pay attention, she'll look like she's really dead.

"She's...still alive." He said in their surprise. He's right...he can feel it.

"What should we...do then?" Armin said immediately kneeling too.

"I don't know!!! We have to go back and hope she's still breathing until then." Hanji said so Levi immediately carried her...

"But it will take hours for us to go back using the horse! How can we take her there faster?!!" Jean said too...

"Whatever. Just rush her there." Levi said and he looked at them.

"Wh...what if..." Hanji said and looked at Eren so they all looked at Eren...and he looked at them wondering why then Armin spoke.

"What if...Eren transform into a titan and then run towards the walls at high speed...Maybe...we can make it in time?"

Levi looked at Eren and he spoke.


"I will help sir. If I can save Alina in this way, I will gladly do it." He said so Levi nodded.

They distanced themselves from Eren who transformed. He offered his hand and Levi hopped on together with Alina and Hanji.

"Mikasa, Armin, and the others escort us. Make sure no one blocks the way."

Queen Of The Underground: Her Mentor [Levi x reader (OC)]Where stories live. Discover now