Chapter 47

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The others looked at Alina who stayed silent the whole time...

"Alina, it's going to be fine..." Historia said and tried to gently pat her back. Alina just gulped and then nodded her head.

"right...We're here too, Alina...we'll stay by your side," Sasha said smiling at her...

"thank you..." she said and then chuckled weakly...Levi just looked at her and then Hanji looked at him.

" you mind telling me what happened to her?" Hanji asked him softly.

"that's something...she has to tell herself." He said to Hanji who sighed...she doesn't know if it's going to be alright.

" it going to be alright...if I ask her?"

"Better not," Levi said to her.

"I see...if it's really something so sensitive...then it's fine." Hanji said looking at Alina...

"those...people, they looked so problematic," Hitch said looking at the Levi squad.

"especially that...girl, Alina." She added. Marlowe looked at her and then at Alina.

"Alina..." Alina looked at Levi and immediately avoided his gaze.

"come with me," he said as he walks away from the group...Alina followed him silently as the others looked at them in curiosity.

"w-where are they going?"

"Commander...where are they going?" Historia asked Erwin worriedly...she looked back at the two and Alina is bowing her head while following the captain.

"Levi said he'll talk to her alone. They'll follow us." He said so they nodded.

"I guess there are things Levi can't say here," Hanji said and sighed.

" you want to say?" Alina asked him. she bowed her head and he leaned on the wall.

They are currently behind the cemented stairs...a bit dark place hiding them from anyone

"say...are you angry that I kept all of those from you?" he asked her...she stiffened and then gulped.

"yes..." she honestly answered.

"I don't have a better choice back then, Ali...I know you understand that. You know how I do things...if you're going to ask me, I'll do the same thing again. I didn't regret it and I won't." Levi said to her.

She then bowed her head after hearing him...

"Maybe you're right...I could've gone insane there...once I know what happened to her...even after years...right now, I still feel like...I am going to go crazy." She said and raised her hand to her heart...slightly clenching it and then she gulped. he stared at her for a while before looking around and then he crossed his arms.

"come here." He said in her surprise...

"h-huh?" she looked at him wondering what he's talking about. they are basically facing each other although there is at least a meter distance between them.

"come closer." He said to her so she went closer to him. he straightened his posture and then pulled her into a hug. 

Her eyes widened and then gulped...she doesn't understand what he's doing...

she's about to ask when he spoke.

"I'll let you cry your eyes out until you don't have the strength to cry anymore...if it'll at least ease that pain. that must've triggered...something..." He said and gently caressed her hair. Her eyes widened and then tears fell. She buried her face on his chest and just cried hugging him too...HE closed his eyes and just listened to her.

Queen Of The Underground: Her Mentor [Levi x reader (OC)]Where stories live. Discover now