Chapter 1

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"sh*t that military police really don't know when to stop. Do they really enjoy being beaten up by me that much?" I asked myself as I used my ODM Gear to fly away from them...I won't have anything to gain from playing with them after all. It's just a waste of gas.

I still have something more important to do...but as I fly away, I was surprised when they still chased me. what the heck is wrong with them today? they mostly won't chase me after a few minutes...


Are they that determined to catch me finally? Tch!!!

I flew faster and then decided to finally face them...they are wearing a green cape with hoods...they didn't stop and instead just charged at me...


I brought out my knife and then flew towards them. There are four of them and when I was about to hit the one in the center, he brought out his blade and then blocked my attack...

I smirked and then glared at them before I smiled sweetly and then kicked him. He evaded my attack and then one of the men tried to attack me so I also dodged it. ha! Do you expect me to take it?

I am facing four of them I ended up wounding the two except these two. What the hell is wrong with them?!
There's no way military police is capable of evading my attacks...there's no way they can dodge it...
Who are these people?

Sh*t!! I have to be serious or else, they might really catch me. I changed the way I grip at my knife...just how he taught me to do so.

The two of the men looked at each other...they are both blond-haired with a beard. This is the first time I saw them. The two wounded attacked me but I easily took them down and they ended up on the ground. I looked at the back of their cape but I found no symbol of mp or anything...just plain. Who the hell are they?

I looked at the two and they just looked at me seriously.

I charged at them and they two attacked me. we exchanged a few attacks and then just as I was about to stab the blond in the center flying towards gas ran out!!

"shit!!!" I shouted in frustration. And then ended up falling to the ground rolling to avoid any major injuries. Just as I was about to stand up, one of them kicked me and then pinned me down.

Fuck!!! I'm screwed!!!

I'm screwed!!!

I tried to struggle but he put some shackles on my hand. He made me kneel in front of the blond with thick eyebrows. I stared at him...more on glared but he just smiled at me and then kneeled in front of me too...why the heck is he smiling?!!

"Hi. I'm Erwin Smith, commander of the Survey Corps. Nice to meet you." s-survey corps? The people who are going outside the walls?

No wonder their vibe is different from the MP...but what the fuck do they want from me? I just looked at him without answering. I'm not afraid of fact, I want to kill him...if only I am not in this state!!!

If only the gas didn't run out!!

"what's your name? we only know you with your alias 'queen of the underworld'" he asked me but I didn't answer him...he just smiled and then spoke again.

"do you know your crimes?" Crimes?
I can't help but laugh because of what he said. This made them surprised.

"Why are you laughing?" he asked me so I just smiled at him.

"'re so funny...and stupid!" I said laughing which made one of them point the blade at my throat to be exact but I just smiled...I'm not scared...I'm not scared anymore...I didn't even bother looking at whoever pointed the blade at me.

Queen Of The Underground: Her Mentor [Levi x reader (OC)]Where stories live. Discover now