*JT and Jax Meets Kasey*

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               JT leaned back in disbelief. His sweet Southern Belle was gone. He had a daughter he didn't know about, somehow the girl is apparently in the hospital.

"Where is she?" he asked. "Where is my daughter?" he asked. "What happened to her?" Tara's phone went off. It was Dr. Grey letting her know Kasey was in a room and alert and awake.

"What daughter?" Jax asked.

"Come on, I just received word she is alert and in a room," Tara stated. They made the short journey to the private room.

"Hello," Tara stated as she walked into the room.

"Hey, um, the intern said you knew the guy the letter was for and went to go find him," Kasey stated. Tara nodded.

"He's right out that door, waiting to come in. With his son, if that's okay with you," Tara stated.

"He will be disappointed when I give him the message," she stated. Kasey remembered the beating, vividly. She recalled the Mexican as he spat in her direction. Once he confirmed she was looking for John Teller, he sent a text and when she walked to the bathroom, someone grabbed her and threw her down on the floor. That was when she saw three guys wearing motorcycle vests. They started to kick her and beat her. Calling her a "Teller Whore" for whatever reason. She didn't know why they thought that, but she just tried to remain concious. But the pain was too much and soon she passed out clutching her backpack and hoped they stopped soon. When the ambulance arrived she was conscious enough to say "Charming"

He didn't know she was on a bike, which was a good thing. Last she saw her bike; it was outside the restaurant in Lodi. Who knows where it was now, she hoped it was safe.

"What message?" Tara asked.

"From the man in the leather vest," she stated. Tara held her hand up.

"Wait, he will need to hear this. I promise you; he will not be disappointed in you. But he will want to know as much as possible," she stated. Kasey nodded. Tara walked back to the door. Soon, JT and Jax walked in with Tara.

"You are wearing the same type of vest," Kasey stated starting to freak out. She didn't know what that meant but she started to wonder if maybe they would hurt her the way the guy hurt her.

"What?" Jax asked.

"Take off your cuts," Tara said slowly. JT and Jax took off their cuts and put them in the closet.

"What happened?" JT asked.

"A man hurt me. He had two others. He had a vest like the one you were wearing but it had different patches on it. I want to say I saw the name Mayan or something like that," Kasey stated. "Does that mean anything? I was in Lodi, stopping to get something to eat before coming to Charming. Looking for you, Mr. Teller."

"Yeah, it means something," Jax started looking over at JT, who nodded.

"Umm, your mother," JT started to say.

"Was buried three weeks ago. I have been riding around the country trying to figure out a way to tell you I was your daughter. I finally got the courage to come to Charming. I rode through Lodi and stopped at a diner to eat. The guy looked over at me and spat in my direction and the next thing I knew I was being beaten, apparently I look enough like you for him to know I was yours," Kasey stated with tears sliding down her face.

"Don't worry," JT stated as he sat beside his daughter. "I will post one of my guys with you, and make sure no one I don't know or trust can get to you."

"I have already secured a team of top-notch doctors and nurses to handle her care, who will make sure she is okay," Tara stated.

"I do have one question," Kasey stated.

"What's that," Jax asked.

"I get why you two guys are being nice to me, I am practically family," she stated, "but Dr. Knowles, why are you going out of your way, organizing the best care for me, taking yourself off the case?"

"I am Jax's wife," Tara stated, "so, you are family to me as well. So I will continue to make sure you have the best care available, your father and brother will make sure you have a constant bodyguard, if they will just let me know which member will be here, I can make sure my staff is notified so they won't get scared."

"Happy will be her only bodyguard until we can find the motherfucker responsible, hopefully by that time, she will be able to get out of the hospital, and then we will go into lockdown at the clubhouse," JT stated. Tara nodded and Jax called Happy.

"Yo, Happy, I need you to get up to the hospital, room 164. You have a protection detail that is super important to me and JT," Jax stated into the phone. "Nah, tell them to stay there, we will brief you here, and then have a meeting at the clubhouse with the rest once you get here." He hung up the phone.

"What's up, son?" JT asked.

"Happy was saying guys were wondering if they should come as well," Jax stated. "But I figured we will need to get a jump on trying to track this guy down." JT nodded. Twenty minutes later, Happy knocked on the door. Jax opened the door and ushered him in.

"Happy, meet Kasey, your new best friend. You are to stay by her side until we find the motherfucker responsible for putting her in this hospital bed," JT stated. "Oh, bonus, she's my daughter and Jax's half-sister. She just lost her mother three weeks ago. She's super smart and from what I have read a pure soul. Tara will introduce you to the team of doctors and nurses who will be caring for her." Happy nodded toward Kasey, who smiled.

"Kasey, this is Happy," Jax stated, "a very good friend and brother of ours, who will make sure that the only people who will get close to you are either doctors or SOA members."

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