*Telling Gemma The Truth*

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JT walked out of Kasey and Happy's room with Jax behind him. He looked back at Jax and nodded. There was no way they were going to let Kasey be the one to break the news to Gemma. JT walked over to Clay and Gemma.

"Clay, can Jax and I see you and Gemma in the chapel?" JT asked. Clay looked at him and JT nodded. "Yeah, it's about that," he stated as they made their way into the chapel room. Gemma sat down as Jax and JT took their seats and Clay shut the door.

"Ma, we are about to tell you something that you will have to take in stride. Don't punish Kasey, don't be a bitch to her, she has had it hard enough lately," Jax stated.

"What is this bitch to everyone? Happy's new girl? Staying in the dorm? Bobby calling her Princess? I demand to know what is going on here!" Gemma stated sternly.

"She's my daughter," JT stated. She stared at him. "Her mom was from Mississippi."

"Mississippi? Seems like your walk about meant a little more than you let on," she stated as she crossed her arms and sat back.

"A, you married Clay six months after you left me, which by the way was the length of my walk about since I took off the day after I found out about you and Clay," JT stated, "secondly, yes, the woman I was with at that time did mean more to me than I let on. I loved her. I have loved her everyday until she died. But that's not who I was talking about," he replied. "Kasey is my daughter, and Jax's half sister. Her and Happy have gotten close in the few hours she has been with us, to the point he has mentioned to me about protecting her and possibly dating her."

"Any reason why she needs sudden protection? What's she hiding?" Gemma asked.

"Well, Nero and Alvarez had her jumped, because they simply suspected she might be your kid," Gemma stated. Jax nodded.

"Do not threaten or harass her about anything," Jax stated.

"Gemma, you know as JT's daughter, she is officially SAMCROW Princess," Clay stated. She nodded

"I will play nice with her, how long is lockdown?" she asked.

"Just for a little while, until I am sure that Nero can keep the Mayans in check," JT stated.

"I would like Kasey to be here for at least two weeks, while she's healing, but we won't need to stay in lockdown that long," Jax stated. JT nodded.

"So, what do we know about your daughter?" Gemma asked. "Maybe we can find a way to keep her here for two weeks based on what she likes."

"She is super smart," JT stated, "plus she taught herself how to build a motorcycle, paint it, and ride it. All on her own, plus she not only maintains it properly, she has a record of everything she has ever done on that bike."

"So, she can't work if she isn't healed, so there goes that ideal," she stated.

"No, but it is getting to the time for the yearly maintenance on the softwares and firmwares of the computers here, maybe we get Juice to have her help him do that, it will take him half the time, or possibly even free him up if she is picky about her work," Clay stated. Jax smirked and nodded.

"We can see if she knows anything about doing all of that, but Juice will probably end up being freed up," JT stated. "But that's okay, because I have a special little project I want him to do for me."

"Is she planning on moving here? I can see about getting a listing of local houses for rent or sale," Gemma stated. Jax nodded.

"That would be helpful, and I am going to be on the lookout for a cage for her," Jax stated.

"Get Juice on her technology, because she needs a phone, macbook, and tablet," JT stated, "Gemma will get the listings together, Jax gets the cage, Lowell will fix her bike, and Lowen is helping with her financial matters."

"Sounds like she will have a busy few weeks," Gemma stated, "so it would make sense for her to stay here so we can help set her Charming base up."

Soon they all got up and walked out of the room, Gemma looked at Jax.

"I would like to officially meet her, as your half-sister, or JT's daughter," she stated. "I promise to behave myself." Jax nodded.

"Sure I will see how she is feeling," he stated as they walked back to Happy and Kasey's dorm.

"So how do you feel about her and him being together?" Gemma asked.

"I met her thirty minutes before he did, Ma, if he makes her happy and forgets for a little bit the hell her life has been lately, sweet, if being with him helps make her mind up to stay here, even better," Jax stated. "She's my little sister, but she's grown up. I didn't watch her grow up."

"Ok, I was just wondering," she stated as he knocked on the door. Happy opened the door and saw Gemma behind Jax.

"She just wants to officially meet Kasey, as my half sister and JT's daughter, she promised to behave," he stated. Happy stepped back and allowed them into the room.

"Kasey," Jax stated, "this is my mom, Gemma. Gemma, meet Kasey."

"Good to meet you, sweetie, sorry about what happened," Gemma stated as she sat on the bed.

"Thank you, nice to meet you as well," Kasey stated as she sat up.

"Ma is real good at knowing all the right people to call if you are looking for a house," Jax stated, "maybe that will be something you are interested in?" he asked. She shrugged her shoulders. She wasn't interested in listening to her listings at this moment in time.

They left, and then the next day, Happy led Juice into the room when Kasey was awake and ready for company.

"Hey, Kasey, I know you are probably bored of just watching TV, so would you be interested in helping me upgrade our software and firmware for the club's laptop?" he asked.

"What kind of software and firmware you use?" she asked. Happy smiled as she got up and put her hair in a ponytail. Juice showed her the computer and she took five minutes looking it over and looked at Juice.

"Ever been a beta tester for a new software that has firmware, like top notch, Homeland Security can't crack it if they tried, type firmware already included?" she asked.

"Never been able to find any that seemed to be from a reliable source," he replied.

"I did my PhD thesis in cyber-security as a double major as a software that had ironclad firmware encoded into it. Took me about three years of solid code writing to figure it all out," Kasey stated with a smirk.

"Do you have it with you?" he asked, "how long will it take you to upload it and can it be on multiple devices at the same time?"

"Yes, to the first and last questions, it takes a minute, but I can speed through it and get it uploading and securing your device. I could give you the guest keycode but you would get better security if I did the master keycode," she stated.

"And just what does one have to do to get the master keycode?" Juice asked.

"Allow me to do this all on my own," she stated, "I have nothing else to do until I am able to get out and get me a new phone and laptop."

"Here, you do this for me, and I will pick you up the exact devices you want," he stated.

"Deal, I do Apple products, because I can sinc all of them up easy peasy," she stated. "So get me the latest Macbook, matching tablet, and latest Iphone. Also cases for all of them and an external harddrive."

"You into gaming systems?" he asked.

"Only Xbox and PS," she stated with a smirk, "but I have no TV."

"I will be fixing that today as well," Happy stated. "Stay in here, stay resting, if you do go out, I am assigning Light to you," he stated as she nodded. 

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