*Getting His Crow*

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**Smut warning, not too graphic**

Kasey looked up as Happy entered their bedroom. He smirked at her as she crawled over to his side of the bed and wrapped herself around him.

"Everyone alive?" she asked. He nodded. "Anyone go to jail or about to go to jail?" He shook his head no. "Then leave those troubles for tomorrow." She kissed his shoulder and he nodded his head.

"Prospect Light is getting patched in tomorrow, the others a little later, but we are going to need him more now than ever," Happy stated. "So, Gemma is tidying up a room for Ma at her and Clay's house and we still have our room, in case we wanna crash there at the clubhouse for the party."

"OKay, sounds good," she stated, "can we revisit a conversation you and I had a few days before the move?" she asked.

"About where we are going from here?" he asked. She nodded.

"I want my roots here, and I want my roots with you," she stated, "I am not looking for a quick turnaround time for a wedding or a ring. But I want something to concrete our relationship. But I want us to be on the same page about everything before we go any farther."

"Deal, let's talk little girl, and then I got something to show you and ask you," he stated.

"Cheating is a dealbreaker; and it doesn't matter the zip code. I am too damn good of a woman to be treated less than the way I deserve," Kasey stated, "so no one touches you but me, and that goes for both sets of lips." He chuckled and nodded.

"Deal. Now, when it comes to club business; it usually goes one of two ways. Tell them everything or tell them nothing. But even with the everything way, there might be times I have to wait to tell you something, which way you want to be?" he asked.

"Tell me what I need to know when I need to know or enough to ensure mine and Moon's safety," Kasey stated. "My life began as a secret, as I grew up I was constantly being told some things (like who my father was and how smart I really am) was best kept a secret, so I don't want any known secrets between us. But I understand there are times I need to trust you enough to do as you say without question, and I am willing to do that in those times, but I won't follow blindly long." Kasey stated.

"Good, now any arguments between us; dont show that around my brothers. I get you have your dad and Jax that you are getting close to, but some things between a couple should stay between that couple," Happy stated. "Can I ask you not to question me in front of my brothers?" he asked.

"I won't ask any unnecessary questions and will accept the answer of you not being able to tell me now or it is for my safety, as long as you agree to communicate with me later about what was happening," Kasey stated. Happy nodded.

"Anything else?" he asked. She nodded.

"I am unable to have kids, so one day, I would like to consider adopting and raising a child," Kasey stated. He nodded.

"I agree to that, when that time comes," Happy stated.

"Oh and while I am patient, one day I will want a wedding and a ring and your last name," Kasey stated.

"Deal, how about we start with my crow tattoo?" he asked with a smirk. He pulled out the tattoo drawing he did.

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