*Donna and Opie meet Kasey at the hospital*

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"Hey, Jax," Donna greeted Jax as she walked into the clubhouse. Jax greeted her with a hug.

"Hey Donna, has Opie told you what was happening?" Jax asked. Donna nodded.

"Yeah, he's going to go with me, doesn't want me being alone with family members being attacked," she stated. Jax nodded. "I am buying a few necessities for someone who is related to you and JT, correct? You know, sizes or colors? Do you have a sense of their style? What scents and bath products do they like?" she asked

"Good, I was going to put two of the newly patched members on you if he couldn't go with you," Jax stated as he nodded. "Anyways, here is a list of her sizes, her clothes were completely ruined in the beating, and the rest was lost. So, she needs enough to make a few outfits, enough to last at least a week or two. Till she's healed and able to move around and go shopping for herself. She isn't much into dresses or skirts. Jeans are the best and safest bet to go with, she's a biker. She even listed the scents she always gets for her bath products."

"Also, here is $2,000. Get what you can get on this list. If you need to cover anything, let me know, and I will pay you back as soon as you come back. Oh, and see about picking her up a journal and some pens and pencils. She's going to need to rebuild her bike, I am afraid and I bet she will want to start her notebook all over again." Donna nodded as he handed her the money and the list.

"For someone who just met their little sister, you are doing a good job of making sure she gets what she needs," she stated with a smile. He nodded.

"If only I could have stopped her from getting hurt in the first place," he stated.

**Meanwhile back at the hospital**

"So, that was JT," Happy stated. "Club wants you to stay, most even want to come up here and meet you, but Jax and JT asked that they stay away for now and just let you rest."

"So, I guess I have a home again," Kasey stated with a smirk, "ONLY if your club can find my bike. That will probably take a miracle, otherwise I am on the first train out of here."

"Actually," Happy stated with a smile.

"They found it?" she asked.

"Yes," he stated. "Jax said it looks like it has been beaten to hell and back. He has gotten our master mechanic Lowell to look over it and figure out what is wrong with it. But he has told Lowell that under no circumstances should he fix the bike until JT and Jax talk to you first about the things that will require fixing."

"Your club finds my bike and welcomes me without ever seeing me," she stated. "All within a day of me getting beaten."

"You will be safe with us," Happy stated. "I promise you." He stated as a knock happened on the door.

"Come in," Kasey stated. Jax and two other people walked into the room. One was a really tall guy and the other a short woman. The tall guy was carrying two duffle bags. She was wondering who these people were. 

"Kasey, this is my best friend and brother, Opie, and his wife, Donna," Jax stated as they walked into the room. Kasey smiled and nodded.

"So, another half brother?" Kasey asked, "and another sister in law?"

"Actually, no, JT isn't my dad. But in the club, we call each other brothers because it's like a family, so in a way, yes," Opie stated.

"Oh, nice to meet yall," she stated with a smile.

"Jax told us you might need some clothes and stuff," Donna said as she walked forward with two duffle bags. "I hope you liked the outfits I picked out. Jax told me you were a biker chick, so I didn't get any shorts, skirts, or dresses. But I got you five pairs of jeans and about ten or twelve shirts, some socks, and underwear. Got you a new pair of boots as well."

"They also picked out some bath products; shampoo, conditioner, body wash, hair brush, etc,"Jax stated with a smile.

"Thank you," Kasey stated. She started crying. "You didn't have to do this."

"Oh, sweetie," Donna stated as she sat on the bed and pulled Kasey close to her. "I had problems with the club when Opie was first getting back in. But now, I see that once you are a part of this family, they will never let you go without food to eat, a place to sleep, or clothes on your back. When the SOA claims you as one of their own, and yes, we have claimed you as one of us, then you are taken care of for good." Just then Dr. Grey walked in.

"Hello Jax, Opie, Donna, Happy," he greeted everyone. "Well, I see two duffle bags, so I really hope you brought Miss. Kasey here some clothes to change into, because once she signs this paperwork, she can leave. She can't ride for at least two weeks, and I will make sure Tara knows that. So, I hope you brought a regular vehicle to take her home in."

"Shit, we are in the truck and it can only sit two adults comfortably," Opie stated.

"Opie, you mind if Donna rides on the back of my bike?" Happy asked. "I have an extra helmet."

"If she doesn't mind," Opie stated.

"No, I don't mind, not if it gets our sister home as soon as possible," Donna stated with a smile. Kasey smiled as she finished signing the paperwork.

"Here are the medicines I want you taking, I do have it to where you can get up to three refills if you need them," Dr. Grey stated.

"Thank you, Dr. Grey," Kasey stated. "Now, if you don't mind, but if you have a penis, you need to leave the room so I can get dressed and we can leave this place." Everyone smirked and the guys left the room. Donna helped Kasey get dressed. Kasey didn't want to sit in a wheelchair when leaving the hospital so Happy picked her up and carried her.

"I can walk you know," she stated.

"Dr. Grey didn't want you getting hurt leaving the hospital," he stated. "See ya at the clubhouse." He stated as he placed her into the cab of Opie's truck. They waited until Jax, Opie, and Donna were already on the bikes and then all three of them pulled off.

"So, what's Jax's problem with Dr. Grey?" Kasey asked.

"Picked up on that huh?" Opie asked with a smirk. "Dr. Grey had a thing for Tara a while back, and for a while, there he couldn't get the hint she was with Jax. Apparently, Dr. Grey has a thing for girls associated with the biker world. Jax thinks now he might try to make a play at you or something."

"Well, Jax doesn't have to worry about Dr. Grey," she stated with a smile. "Doctors aren't my type at all. So, are there going to be a lot of people there ready to meet me?" she asked. Opie nodded his head.

"Are they all mad at me from bringing trouble to them?" she asked. He chuckled and shook his head.

"You didn't bring this trouble to us, this trouble brought you to us, is how I can look at it. All you were doing was sitting in a diner, eating on your way to find JT, they are the ones that messed up and brought you pain," Opie stated. "That is something they will have to be held responsible for. Trust me, JT and Jax isn't going to let this slide easy."

"I am getting the feeling they are very protective of me, but what if drama starts because I am here. I know JT had a wife when he got my mom pregnant with me. My mom said their marriage was all but over, but still legally married. I am just wondering if I am going to have a mad ex-wife accusing my mom of being a home wrecking skank, because I do not feel like fighting someone that is in my mom's age group," Kasey stated. "I hurt too damn much."

"Gemma doesn't know about you, but she was sleeping with Clay by that time, because a year later, JT and Gemma were done and Clay and Gemma were living together," Opie stated, "so she can't blame your mom." Kasey nodded. "And if she tries anything, just so you know, you technically outrank her in the female line. Right now, you are the SAMCROW Princess; she's just an Ol' Lady. Not even an officer's ol' lady. So remember that." he stated. She nodded with a smirk. 

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