*Kasey and Happy Kiss*

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Happy reached for Kasey's hand and smiled at her. He took a deep breath and made sure no one was coming in.

"Ok, so the memories of you being beaten for looking like JT suck, but honestly, you look 100 times better than JT even after being beaten, so there's that. Yeah, I am here because they asked me to, only because I didn't get to meet you first, but after talking to you and getting to know you a bit, I really don't want you to leave. Once the club gets to know you, they are going to love you. Stay away from Tigg, he's fucked up in the head in so many ways. We can be your new family and we will love you for who you are not just for sharing blood with JT and Jax," Happy stated. "Besides, I really hope you don't leave because I really want to get to know you better on a more personal level. Maybe even get the chance to go out on a few bike rides with you just the two of us."

"That sounds like a date," Kasey stated. "Not that I would know." She thought back to her past and realized she was never really interested in anyone. The guys she would have been into always assumed she was just some biker bunny who wanted to fuck a biker. They teased her about her bike, they gave her hell about her clothes. She had a high IQ and was often the youngest kid in the class, by at least three or four years.

So, even when she was in high school and college, she was still technically too young for the guys in her classes. The guys her age were just too damn dumb for her to even consider getting to know. They only cared about sleeping with as many girls as possible, getting drunk every weekend, and coasting through life. She wanted the love her mom talked about having with JT. The-gotta-have-you-around-all-the-time type love. But it never came through for her.

"It's been a while since you been on a date?" Happy asked.

"Try never," Kasey replied.

"Wait, you have never gone out on a date with a guy?" he asked.

"No, in high school, I was 11. In college, I was 16. Kind of hard to date when you are so much younger than your classmates. Then when I was out of school, I was working on my bike or reading or working to help my mom around the house. Again, hard to go out on a date when you have so much going on. Plus, when guys in a small town hear that the girl has a motorcycle, they tend to go the opposite way from her. So, it was just my mom and me for the longest time, then she got cancer. Then she died. I started traveling around the country and decided to look JT up. Now here I am. 25 years old, never gone out on a date, never been kissed, single, and beaten. So, yeah, my life has got to go uphill from here, right?" she asked. Happy nodded. He looked towards the door and shook his head.

"I am going to go straight for hell for this and Jax and JT will probably kick my ass for this, but oh well," he said softly as he leaned over Kasey.

"For what," she started to say as he covered her lips with his. A shock went through them both and he pulled back. "What was that?" she asked.

"I don't know but I felt it too," he stated.

"Are all kisses like that?" she asked with a smile. He smiled and shook his head.

"Only ones with you, apparently," he stated with a wink. Just then JT and Jax walked into her room.

"Happy, here is a list of Dr. Grey and his team, only these people have access to her until she gets discharged," Jax stated handing him the sheet. Happy nodded. JT looked between Happy and Kasey.

"Why do you two look guilty of something?" JT asked.

"Because we were thinking about running away and not keeping me cooped up in this damn hospital bed for any longer," Kasey stated with a smirk. Happy shook his head. This damn woman is going to be the death of me, yet. He thought as she winked at him.

"You should be discharged within a day or two, just calm down and take it easy," JT stated. "We are going to look for your bike. Are there any requests you would like to make as far as work goes for your bike? I own my own garage so I can make sure my mechanics have any parts you want on the bike."

"Well, I would prefer no work done to the bike that isn't done by me, but if I can't be there, I don't want it sitting around while it needs work done if you have access to parts," she stated and started to dig in her bag. "Here is my notebook, it's my manual. But only someone who is like a master mechanic should touch my bike. Not a novice or some newbie or someone who is a member of your club that can turn a wrench to make an honest living, someone who actually knows how to work on bikes."

"Well, I have built my own bike before, I have also done the work on all the bikes that have come through the shop," Jax stated, "so has a few of our other members, as well our dad and Happy here. Then there is a mechanic who is a mastermind with cars and bikes alike at our shop. We will make sure your bike is in the best possible hands since you have to rest and recover." She nodded. Jax and JT walked out of the room and Kasey threw her bag across the room.

"I HATE THIS!!!!" she screamed. Happy sat beside her and tried to take her into his arms.

"Hey, hey, hey," he soothed, "it's going to be okay." He wrapped his arms around her.

"I don't have my mom anymore, I am surrounded by strangers, I don't understand why I was hurt, I don't know where my bike is, I can't work on it," she ranted. "I just wish something would go my way for once."

"You know, maybe once you get out of here, we can talk to the SOA members and you can tell them what happened to you with the beating," Happy stated, "maybe then we can figure out why that happened to you. Jax and JT will find your bike, and no one will touch it until you get the go-ahead or give the go-ahead for them to work on it."

"Why are you being so nice to me?" Kasey stated.

"You were put in a situation you never asked for," Happy stated. "You were just a girl on a bike searching for her dad. Wanting to find a family to belong to. Well, some bad luck happened to you, but it got you to your dad. It got you to your family, maybe without your bike for the moment. But it won't be forever."

"Why did you kiss me?" she asked.

"Because I find you very intriguing and I find myself very protective of you," Happy stated. "There are some other feelings, but they are inappropriate since you are in the hospital, and my president's daughter and the vice president's half-sister." He stated with a smirk. "One I can abide by since it's a temporary thing. The other one, doesn't mean much because I know I can win them over." She smiled.

"My momma worried I would fall for a biker," she stated with a smirk. "She never pictured me falling for a Son though. Probably figured I would run the other way or never find out about John Teller and the Sons." She felt herself getting sleepy, so she laid down in bed.

"Something tells me, she would have come clean whenever she was dead," Happy stated. "Since her lawyer had that letter, and he gave it to you but was supposed to deliver it to JT if there was time." She nodded and drifted off to sleep. 

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