*Lawyers Coming To Visit*

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"Hello Miss. Johnson, this is Mr. Gunnison from Gunnison Law Firm," Gunnison answered.

"Yes sir, how can I help you?" she asked.

"I am at a hotel in Charming, California to discuss your mother's estate and her will. There is also another will I got to read to you as well, due to the fact that it's your mom's parents, and she left anything they would leave her, to you," he stated. "Is there someplace we can meet up at?" he asked. She motioned for Opie and Bobby to come to her.

"Give me a few minutes, Mr. Gunnison," she stated and put him on hold. "Opie, call Happy and get him on the phone. Bobby could you do the same with either Jax or JT. Please?" They both nodded and got them on the phone.

"JT is on the phone," Bobby said handing her the phone.

"Hey, my mom's lawyer is here in Charming, he has some finishing paperwork on my mom's estate. Can I possibly meet him at the garage? I feel safest there," she stated.

"Yeah, tell him the address. I will open the lot back up," JT stated. She thanked him and Opie told Happy what was happening.

"Good, we got the guys and we are taking them to a remote location to finish them," Happy stated, "Stick with Kasey at least till you get back to the lot. Then I think JT was going to have you come join us." Opie nodded as Kasey went back to her phone.

"Hey, Mr. Gunnison, I had to ask my father if I could use his garage as a place to meet you. Meet me at the Teller Morrow Automotive Garage here in Charming," she stated. "I will be there in 30 minutes." They hung up and the group finished getting the items they were after. Then they were heading back to the clubhouse. She walked in and saw JT with Clay, Gemma, and Happy.

"This is not going to end well, is it?" Happy whispered as he saw Kasey walk up. She slid her arm around Happy and smiled. Gemma rolled her eyes and walked off. Clay followed. That gave Kasey the chance to talk to JT.

"I want you in the room with me, I am going to ask him how I can change my name to Teller, if you are okay with me adding that to my name," Kasey told JT. JT nodded as Bobby led a suit into the clubhouse.

"Hey, Princess!" Bobby called out. Gemma stopped suddenly at the nickname as Kasey stuck her head out.

"I am assuming since Tig ain't here, I am Princess," she stated with a smile.

"Oooo, you got sass, you are going to fit in here," Bobby said with a wink. "Suit is here to see you." He motioned to Mr. Gunnison. Gemma's eyes flared with anger.

"Hey, Bobby, when Lowen gets here, show her in. I am going to need her," JT stated with a smile. He nodded. Gemma walked up. JT, motioned for the lawyer and Kasey to go in the Chapel room and close the door.

"What Gemma?" he asked.

"Why is Bobby calling her 'Princess' when she's not related to anyone in the club?" Gemma demanded. JT glared at her.

"Not that it's any of your business, but we are checking into a few things about her, since Happy just introduced her and all," JT stated. He didn't want her in Gemma's path just yet. He slipped into the chapel room.

"Hey, Mr. Gunnison, this is my biological father, John Teller, he will be staying in the room with us and his attorney will be joining us shortly, there is something I want to ask you after we finish with the business you have for me," Kasey stated. He nodded as they made their way into the room.

"This is your mom's last will and testament. Basically, stating you got everything that she had in her possession and any possible inheritance that her parents, though estranged, left her, which was everything. If you want, I can read it line for line," Mr. Gunnison stated. She shook her head. "I know we talked about selling the house you stayed in, so I already handled that for you, and the sale for that has been added to your inheritance check. Your grandparents' house has already been sold, per their wishes, and the profit of that has also been added to the check. Now, this check is for you to deposit into a bank and then withdraw it if you don't trust a bank. But it is important that you only let people you trust know exactly how much you got because it could be motive to hurt you."

"She has a whole club to protect her, she will do as you say, but no one will hurt her," JT stated. Mr. Gunnison slid the check towards Kasey and she turned it over and nearly choked when she saw the amount on the check.

"JT, look at that," she stated. He saw and nodded.

"I will make sure you are protected, you are my daughter, you will be protected," he assured her. She nodded. Just then a knock at the door alerted them. It was Lowen.

"Ah, just in time. I need you, Lowen, this is my daughter Kasey, and this is her mother's estate lawyer Mr. Gunnison," JT stated, "this is our lawyer Lowen. She handles all of my business, personal and professional." Kasey nodded and smiled at Lowen.

"Okay, before we go any farther, Mr. Gunnison, Mrs. Lowen, is there any way I can petition the court to have my last name changed to Teller? Or Johnson-Teller?" Kasey asked.

"Is JT listed on your birth certificate? Did he give up his rights?" Lowen asked.

"Yes, and no," Mr. Gunnison answered, going through his paperwork. "I actually have the paperwork here for you to complete if you want to finish it and file with Mrs. Lowen if that's possible." Lowen nodded.

"Once I get my account opened, I will pay you, I promise," Kasey stated.

"Oh, sweetie, your father has me on retainer, I have already been paid for this. So don't worry. Sign here, and JT sign here," she stated. "Now, what kind of account do you need to open?"

"A bank account," Kasey stated.

"Unless you can think of another way for her to have access to this at any given moment, 'cause she will need to get one up here," JT stated as he slid the check to Lowen.

"Sweetie, do not open a bank account here in Charming, that will be painting a target on your back with this amount. Allow me to handle everything for you. I will bring you the paperwork and everything for you back when it gets set up," Lowen stated. Kasey nodded. "Once your name change is set up, I will help you get your new identification as well.

"Thank you so much," Kasey stated. Soon she heard the guys come in and saw Happy and Jax walk into the clubhouse. They stopped at the window and looked in. "Can Jax and Happy come in?" she asked.

"I am actually done, Kasey, glad you found your family," Mr. Gunnison stated.

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