Chapter 8

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~Your POV~

The week passed slowly as you waited for that next date to come, each day you walked to work with Spock, and the funny thing was he let you cling to his arm each time! But soon enough, the week passed and you found yourself getting dressed into your favorite dress and preparing for your date. You even prepared a gift for him, you made him a small sculpture of a Vulcan Sehlat.

You also had ordered for a special type of chocolate to be delivered to the cargo bay a week prior since the Enterprise was going to be picking up some cargo from a nearby planet a day before the date. The chocolate was actually two chocolate Frogs, and were rarely made anymore so they were quite expensive. Once it was 5, you went over to Spock's quarter and knocked on his door.

"Hello, (Y/N), what is that you have in your hands?" He greeted curiously. He wore a deep blue suit with black shoes, and a brownish red tie. Your face burnt bright red as you looked him up and down.

"It's a gift for you, I thought they would be appropriate." You explained as you handed him the gift bag. He gladly accepted it with a look of curiosity.

"Thank you, I have one for you also as it is a human tradition, if you step inside, I could give it to you." He thanked as he took the bag and stepped out of the doorway. The door closed behind the two of you and he grabbed a red rose with a golden stem and leaves and a large, rectangular present. He handed the two to you and the rose changed from red to a deep blue, leaving you in awe.

"That is a chameleon rose, it works a lot like human mood rings that went out of production in the 20th century except it is more accurate. The other is a surprise for you." He explained.

"Aren't you going to open your present?" You asked with a devilish grin. He raised an eyebrow as he slowly opened the bag and first pulled out the statue.

"Fascinating. Did you sculpt and paint this yourself?" He asked, turning it over in his hands analyzing each detail.

"Yeah! I remembered you talking about your childhood pet, and figured I'd make a statue for your desk! What do you think?"

"It is intriguing and is quite possibly the best piece of decoration I now own." He complimented making you blush further.

"Th-thanks, and there's one more thing in there." You stuttered. He reached into the bag and pulled out the two small boxes.

"Chocolate frogs?"

"Yeah, like the ones they sell on the trolley in the Harry Potter series!" You replied ecstatically.

"I understand, but I've never had chocolate before and it makes Vulcans inebriated." He debated.

"Oh, I didn't know that! I wish I knew that while I was ordering..." You muttered the last sentence under your breath, suddenly wishing you did more research on Vulcan biology.

"It is alright, I will just eat it after our dinner. But since you made me open my present, it would only be fair that you open your own." He pointed out. You slowly tore off the wrapping paper revealing a sketchbook.

"Oh, thank you! How did you know I was needing a new one?"

"You mentioned it while we were talking."

"Oh, yeah! I guess I did!" You laughed.

"The Captain has reserved a room for the two of us if you want to head over." He offered.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea." You smiled. He held out his arm for you to take, which you took full of butterflies and happiness. He walked you to a room that was slightly dimmed and had a window showing the vastness and beauty of space. In the middle of the room, there was a table for two, one had bartakk soup while the other dish was (F/F). Spock went over to the side with the (F/F) and pulled out the chair and gestured for you to take a seat. Which you nodded and sat down. He then sat across from you as the two of you began to talk and eat. After the two of you finished eating, Spock pulled out the small boxes.

My T'hy'la (Spock x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now