Chapter 10

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AN: Ashausu means a lover, a loving person and T'hy'la means lover, friend, and/or life-long companion.

~Your POV~

You wake up and do your usual morning routine, but when you walked out of your quarters expecting to find Spock waiting for you, he wasn't there. You felt something churn in your gut, like something was wrong. You went to his quarters and lightly knocked on the door.

"Um- hey, it's me, Can I come in?" You asked worried. Silence loomed over you like storm clouds.

"Come in." He growled. The doors opened revealing Spock in his work clothes. Beads of sweat covered his face as he kneeled tiredly over his desk. He stood up straight and looked towards you, so many emotions filled his chocolate eyes filling yours with fear and worry.

"Spock? Are you alright?" You asked further.

"I-I will be fine." He insisted.

"No you're not, I'm going to grab Bones." You corrected.

"No!" He yelled out. "I-I mean- no, I am fine. I can handle myself, thank you." He corrected himself as he got up. The way he got up made it seem like he was being held down by a 20 pound weight.

"Spock, you are obviously not well, and would be unwise to go to work in this condition! If you get someone else sick, or lose your temper and harm someone, it won't end well! If you'd rather, I can get the captain."

"Fine. But get the captain, the doctor would make fun of me relentlessly for this." He hissed as he slowly sat back down.

"I'll be right back." You comforted. You made your way to the bridge and found him in his chair. "Sir?" You greeted.

"Hello, (Y/N), why aren't you at your station?" He asked.

"There's a problem with Spock. He has terrible mood swings, looks feverish, sweating profusely-"

"Let me go talk to him. Follow me." He insisted as he got up. The two of you began to make your way back with haste.

"Do you know what's wrong with him?" You ask.

"I'm afraid so, it happens to all Vulcan's every seven years, and if they don't make it back to Vulcan in eight days- they die. It's called Pon Farr, it's like going in heat, but way worse." He explained.

"H-He might die!"

"He won't die! We caught this in time and we're only three days from Vulcan!" He reassured. He then let himself into Spock's quarters. "Spock? Where you at?"

"In here, Captain." Spock called from his bedroom. We both entered the bedroom to find him pacing back and forth and rubbing his hands together nervously. "Captain! Could you please get her to leave the room?" He growled.

"(Y/N), could you leave the room real quick?" He asked.

"Um-Y-Yeah! But I'm coming back in after you're done talking." You insisted.

"Fine. Just give us a second." Kirk agreed. You walked out of the quarters and waited for the two officers to be done talking. After what seemed like forever, Kirk walked out of the quarters.

"He wants to talk to you, I'll tell your lieutenant commander that you're taking a day off. I'll also schedule some shore leave for the two of you. Trust me on this." He said with a serious look. In reply you nodded and entered Spock's quarters. He sat at his desk again with his shoulders tensed, and his hands formed into fists so tight that you could see the white of his knuckles.

"Spock? You wanted to see me?" You quivered.

"Yes. Take a seat." He barked. You quickly took a seat. "May I presume that the captain told you about our situation?" He asked.

My T'hy'la (Spock x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now