Chapter 15

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AN: (F/S) means favorite shirt, (F/P) means favorite pants, and (P/N) means pet name. Also, the shower you see in this chapter is inspired by the one in StarGate!

~Your POV~

You woke up an hour later in Spock's arms. His chest slowly rose and fell with each slow breath. You looked up and found him peacefully asleep with a pleasant, soft smile that warms your heart. Soon enough, his eyes fluttered open and looked down upon yours.

"Hello, my k'hat'n'dlawa. How are you feeling?" He greeted with that same soft smile.

"Wonderful, and how are you?"

"I am feeling well." He replied. Slowly, the two of you got out of bed and dressed. Spock then flipped open his communicator.

"Commander Spock to Enterprise." He stated.

"This is Captain Kirk speaking." Kirk responded.

"Two to beam up." Spock then stated while grabbing onto your hand. Instantly, the atoms in my body were being taken apart and put back together onto the ship.

"How's our two favorite love birds doing?" Kirk greeted teasingly with a grin.

"We are doing well, captain, but I am quite sure that (Y/N) and I would appreciate being called by our given names, not a teasing one." He informed.

"Alright, Spock, and I'm also sure that you guys will probably want to get back to your quarters. Speaking of which, Spock, as you both are now married, you guys would want to now share quarters, so speak to me once you are ready to talk about that." Jim ordered.

"I will speak to you soon, captain. Now if you'll excuse us."

"See you soon, Spock, and you too, (Y/N)." Kirk smirked. You waved timidly goodbye as you felt awkward in the situation. You then followed Spock back to your quarters.

"Do you want to come to my quarters after you talk to the captain?" You asked when you stopped at your quarters.

"That would be acceptable. I will see you then, my tal-kam." He replied. He then turned and went into your own quarters. You entered your own with hot ears and a red face.

You then grabbed some of your citizen clothes and headed to your bathroom. Once you placed your clothes down, you stepped inside your shower and felt the pressurised water hit you from all sides. In the water was a cleaning substance. Once it coated your body, it automatically switched to rinsing and once you were rinsed, it dried you off. You stepped out and redressed into (F/S) and (F/P) and stepped out and went to your living room.

You grabbed a book off of your desk and began reading. It was an extremely hilarious sci-fi adventure based in the 20th century called The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. A while longer passed before you heard a knock at your door.

"Come in!" You shout out to the visitor as you bookmarked and closed your book. The door opened to let in Spock who was, as always, in his work uniform.

"Greetings, (Y/N)-Kam." He greeted as he took a seat next to you.

"Hi, (P/N)." You greeted excitedly.

"(P/N)? Is this a human name that mates call each other?" He inquired.

"Kind of, it's a nickname of sorts! There are many variations and some couples don't use them but I like to." You explained.

"Fascinating... So would you like me to call you by one of these names?"

"You already are with your Vulcan names for me."

My T'hy'la (Spock x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now