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*Continuation of the date in 'College Soulmate'*


Catra giggled a bit as she saw her 17 year old teen walk into the living room and lay face flat on the couch, "Finn, what are you whining about now? I thought your date with Azalea went great."

Finn lifted their head, "It did go great- IT WAS MORE THAN GREAT! IT WAS SPECTACULAR!"

Catra went over to the couch and sat beside them, "Sooo, whats the problem?" Finn sighed as they sat down properly, "It's just...I've never been on a date before..I've never even had a girlfriend! Or a boyfriend- Or just a partner in general! And Azalea, well..." Finn hugged themselves as they turned away,

"I just don't wanna mess this up.."

Catra looked at Finn with a sympathetic smile, "Hey..Do you wanna hear a story that might help you a bit?" Finn looked at Catra, "Is it about you and mom?"

"Hmm, maybe. Believe it or not we had our ups and downs..Hell, there were times where I felt the same way you felt." Catra laughed a bit. "Well, we better save it for the car ride to Razz." Adora smiled as she walked into the living room with Mia holding her hand. Finn perked up, "We're going to grandma's?"

Adora laughed a bit, "Yes, if you heard me during one of your little gay panics you would have heard me say we were going in the morning. Now, go get dressed." Finn stood up and did a dramatic bow, "And dress I shall." They ran into their room as Catra and Adora laughed.

Catra stood up and tugged Adora closer, "Well, good morning Ms.Michalka." Adora giggled as she rested her arms on Catra's shoulders, "Good morning to you too, Ms.Michalka." Catra leaned in to greet Adora with a kiss.

"Ewww!" Mia teased as she covered her eyes. Catra and Adora separated to look at the little 5 year old. "And just what are you 'ew'ing about?" Adora said playfully. "You and mama." Mia giggled. "Oh Adora, she's just jealous cause she wants kisses from her mama tambien. Isn't that right, Mia." Catra teased as she picked up her youngest and smothered her with kisses.

"Nooooo, Mama!" Mia giggled as she tried blocking her face.


Finn was putting on their shoes as they got ready to head out, suddenly, their phone rang. Finn looked over their shoulder to see who it is.


Finn smiled as they picked it up, putting it on speaker. "Hey, beautiful. How are you today?" They asked. Finn heard Azalea giggle from the other side of the call, making them instantly smile even more. "Hey Finnn, I was calling to say hello.." Azalea said on the line. Finn laughed, "Just that?"

"Okay okay..To say I miss you.." Azalea mumbled. Finn chuckled, "I miss you too..But don't worry! We'll see each other tomorrow at school!" Azalea groaned, "I can't believe the summer is over..It's just dreadful days at this point."

"Hmm, won't be dreadful if I'm thereeee." Finn teased. Azalea laughed a bit, "That you are right."
A knock was heard on Finn's door, "Finn, come on! Grandma Razz is waiting for us, you can talk to your girlfriend later." Adora called out.

Azalea could be heard giggling on the other line, "Hi Ms.Michalka!" Adora giggled, "Hiii Azalea, tell your moms I said hi!"

"Will do!" Azalea called out. "Mommm, I'm trying to talk to Azalea as much as I can." Finn pouted. Adora laughed, "Fine fine, but come on. Bye Azalea!"
"Bye Ms.Michalka!" Azalea said. Before Adora walked out, she said, "That's Adora to you sweetie!"

Finn and Azalea laughed at Adora's exit. "Well, I should probably let you go." Azalea sighed a bit. "Awe, can't we talk a little longer?" Finn pouted. "Sorry love, but I have to go help my mom at her flower shop. But we can talk later!" Azalea perked.

"Okay finnnee." Finn sighed. "FINN!" A voice called out. Azalea giggled, "Can't keep them waiting for too longgg." Finn playfully scoffed, "Okay okay, Love you!" Azalea perked a bit, "I love you too, bye!"
They hung up.

Finn, then, raced out their door, "I'm going!"


"We're here!"

Adora opened the door as she walked in, followed by Finn and Catra, who had Mia on her shoulders. At the table, sat Razz and Camille. "Ah dearie! It's so good to see you!" Razz smiled. "Oh, and there's my precious bundle of joys!" She 'awed'. Catra set Mia down as the little girl giggled and ran to her, "Grandma!" Razz opened her arms as the little girl nearly tackled her, "Oh my little Mia isn't so little anymore!"

Camille giggled a bit as she stood up to greet the couple. "Hola mama." Catra smiled as she hugged her mom. "Hola mija, Adora." Camille smiled as she let go of Catra and hug Adora. As soon as she let go of Adora, she beamed at Finn, "Ay, Finn! How are you!" Finn chuckled as they hugged Camille, "Hola Abuelita, gotta hug you first before I get smother by kisses." They joked.

The two laughed a bit as Razz playfully pouted, "I am waitinggg." Finn laughed as they let go of Camille and hugged her. Razz instantly smothered them with kisses, "Ohhh Finn! Now you! Are really growing up." Catra and Adora sat down between the two women. "I heard Finn went on their very first date yesterday." Camille teased.

Finn chuckled nervously as they turned deep red, "Ah ha y-yeah.." Mia smiled as she ran up to Catra and sat on her lap, "They took her flowers! All thanks to me." Mia said proudly. Catra chuckled as she ruffed her daughter's hair, "You goofball."

"So, who's the lucky ladyyy?" Razz smiled. Finn sat down next to her as they ran their fingers through their hair, "It's, um..I-It's Azalea. Y'know, Perfuma and Scorpia's daughter?" Surprisingly, Camille was the one who gasped first, "Dios mio that girl is so wonderful! Catra, plan the wedding already!" Finn blushed as Catra and Adora laughed, "Ma! This is their first date, we gotta wait for a few more." Catra teased.

"Oh, I bet Azalea would look very pretty in a wedding dress. Don't you think so, Finn?" Adora teased as she looked at her teen. "Don't forget how adorable their children would look like-" Finn quickly stood up before Razz finished the sentence. "HOW ABOUT- Ahem- I take Mia to go get some ice cream?" Finn flushed. Mia gasped in excitement to the suggestion, "YAY!"

"Alright, Alright. Bring back cones." Catra said as she handed Finn some money. "Will do." Finn smiled as they took the money from their mom. "C'mon Mia." Mia jumped off Catra's lap as she ran towards the door giggling. "Hold onto Mia!" Adora said as Finn rushed to the door. "GOT IT!" Finn said as they grabbed Mia's hand and shut the door behind them.

The four women laughed as the two left. " Ahh, They grow up so fast." Razz smiled. "I'm just happy that Finn's got a good life now." Camille smiled. Adora leaned her head on her wife, "And nothing is going to ruin that."

.....Or so she thought...

And so it begins muahaah 😼

Until next time🌈

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