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mama catradora for the soul

"What..What are you doing here?"

Finn stood face to face, stunned, with the woman who nearly kidnapped them while her crazy psychotic boyfriend nearly beat them to death.

Olivia seemed to be nearly as stunned as Finn was, "I..um..I swear I'm not following you or anything! I-" Olivia sighed as she rubbed her arm, " I swear that I am only here for a therapy session..I wasn't aware you were in therapy as well.." Finn looked at her, "I just started..I'm not surprised you're here."

Olivia and Finn stood in a bit of silence..That is, until Olivia had broke it.

"Mi-Finn. I am so, so sorry..I swear I never meant to hurt you at all. Alex, he..ugh he can get very overbearing..But I'm no different..I was being stupid and selfish that I never once considered your feelings.." Olivia said as she seemed frustrated with herself. Finn looked at the woman with a little bit of sympathy.

"Olivia..I'll admit, I'm not forgiving you so quickly.." Olivia looked at down as she understood. "However.." She perked up. "..I still need some questions answered..Will you at least give me that?" Finn asked with a gentle smile. Olivia nodded so fast Finn was surprised her neck didn't crack, "Yes yes! I at least owe you this, right? Yes! Right after my session, it ends in an hour." Finn chuckled. Now they know where they got their energy, "I'll be back..I just need to tell my moms..Gently." Finn let out a sigh.

And why would Olivia argue?


"Mamaaaaa, this is hard!"

Catra chuckled as her daughter whined. "Mimi, it's just a puzzle. And a 10 piece at that." Mia looked at her, "Mama, you don't understand! There's always one piece that's hardddd...And it's this one!" Mia glared at the piece she held. Suddenly, Adora came and smiled as she grabbed the piece and placed it at the last spot.

Mia looked at her as she was confused whether to be shocked or upset, which had led to a face palm of disappointment.

"...You have done this."

The two women laughed at their daughter's attitude. Suddenly, Finn had walk in. "Hi moms! I'm home." Adora smiled, "Hey Finn, how was it?" Finn smiled, "It felt great, I feel like this was a really good idea. In fact, I scheduled another session." Catra walked up to her oldest and hugged them, "I'm so glad to hear that Finn." As soon as they separated, Finn looked at Catra. "Mama..There's something I need to talk to you guys about."

Adora and Catra looked at them. "Oh? What is it?" Adora asked. Finn looked uneasy as they looked at Mia, who had switched to coloring. "Um..First thing first.." Catra suddenly caught on as she looked at Mia.

"Hey Mimi, why don't you take your coloring to your room?" Catra smiled. Mia looked confused, "Why? I wanna color here." Catra smirked, "Are you sure? Finn is gonna talk about love advice, but hey, if you wanna stay here-"


Suddenly, the youngest had grabbed her stuff and bolt into her room.

Catra chuckled, "Works every time. Now, Finn." Finn walked to the living room and gestured the couch. Adora and Catra looked at each other. Suddenly, they ended up sitting on the couch in front of Finn. "Must be pretty serious if we're on the couch." Adora commented. "Yeah um..I know that this is something you guys don't wanna talk about..especially with everything that had happened.." Finn took a deep breath, "After the session..I ran into Olivia. She tried apologizing and I just..I asked her if she could answer questions for me..I know you guys are skeptical but she seemed genuine and I wanna ask if..if I could?"

The two women in front of Finn seemed stunned.

"Finn..I, wow..I don't really know..You know I believe you but at the same time I care about you a lot..I'm in debate if I'm honest..Catra?" Adora had turned to her wife who seemed to have an unreadable expression. "Finn. Last encounter you had was not good. It was horrible, I can't ever imagine you being in the same position ever again..Plus, I don't want that woman near you." Catra said with a serious expression.

Finn looked at her with desperation in their eyes, "Mama, I understand..Everything that has happened was..really bad. But all I'm asking-" Catra raised her hand, "I wasn't finished."

Finn seemed to shut up really quickly as Catra continued. "But..I can't stop you. You need to know your past and the questions you want to ask answered. Plus, even if I tried you'd probably rebel on us." She chuckled a bit.

Finn seemed stunned by Catra's sudden change of heart. "You..You mean it?" Catra nodded, "You know, your mom was this stubborned once..But you two both know what's right and can't stop fighting for it. So, hey, who am I to stop you?" Adora giggled a bit at Catra's remark. Finn smiled as they got up and hugged their moms, "Oh thank you thank you! I promise I'll be extra careful I will!"

"Uhhh, you bet your ass you will. Because there is a catch." Catra smirked. Finn let go as they listened. "I'm coming with you. I'll be close by but watching, I'm serious when it comes to her. I'm also taking you there." Catra finished. "It's only for the best." Adora added. Finn nodded, "If it makes you comfortable, I'm okay with it."

"Good. Now come on, let's get you something to eat before all of this." Catra smiled as she patted Finn on the back. Finn hugged Adora and said a quick 'thank you' as they headed out the door. "Are you sure about this? I'm good with whatever you decide on but..I'm a bit nervous." Adora said with a concern look.

"Trust me I am too. But I'll be on watch. Besides..." Catra got closer to Adora as she put a strain of hair behind her ear and smirked, "Stubborn blondes have always got the best of me."

And with that Catra gave Adora a sweet kiss before leaving out the door. Adora chuckled as the door closed behind her wife, "Whatta dork." Suddenly, a small voice was heard.

"Are you done nowwww?"

Adora turned to see her youngest covering her eyes as she peaked out the door. Adora chuckled, "Oh Mia, you are too pure."


The time flew by as an hour had past.

Finn had walked to one of the tables outside of the building as Catra stood close by in her car, which gave her a good view of where Finn was going. Suddenly, Finn had seen the young woman sitting in front of them. Finn had taken a deep breath and walked up to her. Olivia looked up at Finn, who wore a deep serious expression.

"Now...I want answers."

🌈Until next time

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