The Letter

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"Are you Mia?"

Finn's eyes widen at the man's question. They were too stunned to even speak. So many questions flew into their head.. 'Why is this man looking for me? How does he know my dead name? What does he want? Most importantly....'

'Why has he been following me all day?'

"I'm...that's not me." Finn could get out. The man examined Finn from the distance, "Are you entirely sure now?" Finn, finally finding their voice, glared at the man. "Mia isn't my name..It's Finn. Now..Why are you following me? Who are you? And why the fuck would you spy on my girlfriend and I-"

The man stopped Finn's ranting as he simply pulled something out of his pocket. "I don't need to answer any of your questions, kid. I'm simply asking if you're Mia or not. If you are, take this." Finn looked down and saw an envelope in his hand.

Finn looked up at him suspiciously, "Like I said...Mia isn't my name." The man raised an eyebrow, "I see.." He extended the envelope to Finn, "Very well..Take this. I'm only a messenger so don't ask me questions." Finn hesitated as they looked at him.

They took it.

"Drive safe, kid. I've seen the way you've been driving all day. It's a miracle your car is in good condition still." The man said as he looked at Finn. "I would've been driving peacefully if some dude wasn't following me all day." Finn glared. The man chuckled, "You're funny..You're just like her.." He mumbled the last part.

As the man walked away, Finn seemed confused as to what he meant. "Take care kid." He said as he walked back to his care. "You too.." Finn mumbled as they walked back to their car. Once Finn got in the car, they took a deep breath...

"What a dick."


"Hey kiddo! How was ur day back?"

Finn walked in to be greeted by Catra, who was setting down plates. "Hey mama. It was..okay." Suddenly, Adora walked in. "Just okay? You saw Azalea all day. I don't believe it was 'just okay'." She chuckled.

"Azalea- ohmygod I need to text her back." Finn mumbled as their eyes widened. They shook their head as they looked at their moms. "Sorry, yes it was good! I'm just very tired." Catra chuckled, "Well, go text your little girlfriend and wash up to eat."

"Finn!" Mia came from her room with Melog following. Finn smiled as their little sister jumped into their arms, "Hey Mimi! I gotta go wash my hands okay?" Mia nodded as Finn put her down, " 'Kay! Me and Melog are gonna be here."

Finn ruffled her hair as they walked to their room. As soon as they walked away, Catra saw something in their hand. 'An envelope?' She felt a sudden worried feeling wash over her. "You okay babe? You seem tense." Adora commented worriedly as she put a hand on Catra's shoulder.

Catra snapped out as she looked at her wife, "Wha- Oh, um..Yeah yeah! I'm okay..Just lost in thought that's all." Adora looked at her, "You sure?" Catra smiled at Adora as she pecked her lips. She pulled away, "I'm fine, don't worry."


Message to Azalea <3: Made it home safely! Goodnight mi amor! I love you

Azalea <3: Thank goodness, goodnighttt I love you too!

Finn put their phone down as they had the envelope in their hand. It was safe to say Finn wasn't prepared to see what was in this envelope. It was weird...Who could blame Finn for thinking like this? Some strange man just gave it to them and left.

'Only one way to find out...'

Finn began to open the envelope. Once they opened it, they pulled out the letter in it. Finn saw it was a short letter.

Dear Mia,

I know..this is pretty silly. Or maybe it isn't! I have no idea what I'm doing..You probably don't want to hear from me..Who could blame you? You were just a baby when I let you go. I just want to tell you how deeply sorry I am...For not just giving you away..But for not wanting to see you at all..Or..have anything to do with you..really. Anyways..I just want you to know I'm not the same 15 year old girl that gave you up..I'm older and I've least, I think I have. In other words..I want to know if you could ever give me the change to meet you? I know..17 years long overdue..I just didn't know if I had the guts to..But please, I would love to meet my daughter..And if you don't want to, I completely understand. I just..If you have any questions, I would love to answer them..
13578 Palm Street, Etheria is my address.

With love,

Finn's eyes widened at the letter. "There's no way.." There was a knock on Finn's door, "Finn..can we talk?" Finn quickly hid the letter as they heard Catra's voice. "Y-Yes! Come in!" Finn sat back down quickly.

Catra opened the door and smiled, "Hey sport, hows it going?" Finn smiled, "Nothing much, is dinner ready?" Catra chuckled, "Not yet, you know how your mother is."

Finn chuckled as Catra sat next to them, "A perfectionist." The two laughed a bit. Once their laughter died down, Catra cleared her throat. "Finn..listen..I would never intrude in your privacy or anything but..I was wondering if..if you're okay?"

Finn looked at her confused, "Of course, Mama. I'm always okay." Catra smiled, "I know I know..I just..Man I don't know..I always have this weird feeling.." She grabbed Finn's hands.

"..That one day you're gonna be out of my grasp soon.."

Finn smiled softly, "Mama, I'm always going to be here for you..You're my mom and that's that..Okay?" Catra smiled, "And you're always gonna be my kid." Finn let go of her hands only to wrap their arms around Catra. Catra returned the hug. Once they both let go, Catra stood up. "Alright..enough sappy, let's go eat okay?"

Finn smiled, "Okay, I'll be there in a sec. I gotta wash my hands." Catra smiled as she ruffled their hair, "Gotcha." Once Catra closed the door behind her, Finn sat on their bed...thinking.

'This is a bad idea..'

Finn heard about the story of Adora going behind Catra's back and seeing her mom..And they heard how it had a happy ending..So...Could this lead to happy ending as well?

Granted, Finn just only wanted answers..They didn't want their biological mom to come get them and take them away..Still...Finn had questions..And boy did they have a lot.

Finn hesitated as they looked at the letter just inches away from them under their pillow...

'This is a bad idea..'

Finn got up and looked at the address...

...Thats when Finn put it in their phone.

🌈Until next time

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