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Finn's POV

I don't remember how I got here...

...Mostly, what lead me here..

I slowly opened my eyes as I just looked around. I'm at...the hospital? What the-Oh no..My moms are most definitely gonna kill me! Well..after I find out if I almost died or not-



Normal POV

A voice was heard as Finn laid on the hospital bed. Finn was confused at first, but instantly recognized it. "Mmm..Mama?" They let out. "Oh my god, Finn!" Catra's voice could be heard and suddenly Finn felt a bit of weight next to them. That's when Finn got the strength to sit up a bit, with the help of Catra of course.

"Mama? What..what am I doing here?" Finn asked as they looked around the room. Catra took a deep breath as she held her hands together, "Okay, before I lose my entire shit...Finn..You were in a car crash."

Finn looked at her confused, "W-What? I was?? How?" They gasped, "No one was inside with me right?!" Catra looked at her teenager, "Finn, are you out of your mind?! The first thing you worry about is that?!" Scorpia, who was by her side, grasped Catra's shoulder to calm her down. Catra exhaled again, "No..No one was inside with you. And thank god you're okay. I mean, what were you thinking?!"

Finn sighed a bit, "I...I wasn't.."

Suddenly, Adora came in with Mia in her arms with Perfuma and Azalea behind. "Finn!" Mia beamed as she saw her older sibling. "Finn! Oh my gosh, you're okay!" Adora went to go hug her teen and then look at them, "You..are okay...right?" Finn gave her a small smile, "Yes mom, I'm okay." Adora held a hand to Finn's forehead and then grabbed their shoulders, "Are you sure?" Finn gave a little chuckle, "I'm positive." Adora let out a relief sigh, "Oh okay, good..."

Which resulted in her slapping Finn's shoulder a bit.

"Finn what the hell where you thinking?! You could've seriously gotten hurt!" Adora frowned. Finn rubbed their shoulder a bit, "First, OW! Second, I wasn't! As you can see..." Finn looked down but suddenly heard another voice.


Finn looked up..Their eyes meeting Azalea's.

'Crap.' Was the only thing that came into their head. The adults seemed to understand. "We're gonna go get Finn some food, I trust you to stay with them Azalea." Catra butted in as she a comforting hand on Azalea's shoulder. Azalea smiled softly at her. Catra and Adora went up to Finn and gave them a hug. "I'm glad you're okay, kid." Catra smiled. "Same here, now relax a bit." Adora smiled. Finn looked at their moms and smiled, "Thanks Moms."

The two walked to the door where Scorpia and Perfuma were as those two smiled at Finn. Suddenly, the four women plus Mia were out the door..leaving Azalea and Finn. Azalea looked at Finn, "Hi..." Was all she could let out. Finn, too scared to say anything else, let out a small "Hey.."

Azalea walked towards Finn's hospital bed and sat at the edge, "How...How are you?" Finn looked around and smiled a bit, "Not as good as you can see." They joked a bit. Azalea seemed a little uneasy at how Finn tried lighting up the mood a bit. Finn had seen and quickly felt guilty and leaned back on their pillow, "Sorry.."

Azalea looked at Finn and slightly giggled a bit, causing Finn to seem a bit surprised. "My birth father used to do that..everytime he did something stupid and my birth mom would be upset.." Azalea warmly smiled as she looked down at her lap. Finn let her continue, "...I never knew if it was a good thing but..she'd laugh by how hard he'd try to cheer her up.." Azalea lightly chuckled, "Guessing it does work.."

Suddenly, her expression had changed as the thought crossed her mind. Azalea balled her hands into a fist as they rested on her lap, tears threatening to come out. "Finn...do you know how..how terrified I was when I found out you crashed? I felt this sudden deja vu and I..I just lost it." Azalea looked at Finn with a look that instantly broke their heart.

"I was scared...I was so scared...I instantly thought of the worst and I just.." Azalea took a deep breath before she went on. "Finn...answer me, honestly..." Finn looked at her as she continued, "Is...Is this your first time drinking?" Azalea asked cautiously. Finn looked at her with guilt. Finn knew how much this whole car crash situation would scare her.. Trigger her even, but also this whole drunk driving situation came along with it. "Isn't that's what fake I.Ds are for." Finn joked softly, daring to not even meet Azalea's gaze. They instantly sighed, "Azalea...I..." Finn looked at Azalea with guilt.

"It's not."

i'm not dead and neither is Finn HOORAH,, but anygay thanks for being patient and throwing ur ideas to me! it's vv helpful and i'll try to not take THIS long anymore sooo

🌈Until next time

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