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A/N: THANK U FOR 4K also, 👁👁 im a college person now-

"I want answers now."

Olivia stared up at the teen, "You..You actually came." Finn looked at her, "Of course I came. Why wouldn't I?" Olivia turned away a bit, "It's just...Oh nothing. Let's, um, talk." Finn sat on the chair from the opposite side of Olivia. Olivia seemed nervous. And how couldn't she be? Heck, even Finn was nervous of the answer they're going to receive.

"First things first..I want to know what was up with that crazy dude and you trying to kidnap me?" Finn started off. Olivia looked at them, "Well..right off the bat but I understand." She sighed a bit, "Finn..I was desperate..A woman crazy in love with a man who realized I gave up our child. I thought maybe if I had at least had you..present, he would consider being with me." Suddenly the woman shook her head, "But, that's stupid. Very stupid and selfish of me and I wish I could just take it all back." Finn looked away from her, "Well..Thank you for clearly that up."

"Now, for the real reason I'm here. Why did you give me away? You didn't even want me for at least a little..Did you..Did you even care for me at all?" Finn asked cautiously. Olivia looked at Finn intensely, "Finn..It's not that I didn't care about you..I was a kid myself and I didn't want to be known as the girl who would've been a teen mom! I just thought that..If we had zero connection..It would've just been best for the both of us."

Finn looked at her. Maybe she did have a point..I mean..A teen barely understanding life herself can't just take care of another one in an instant. Finn stood up and did the absolute unthinkable. Olivia stood up as well, even if she was confused. Suddenly, Finn wrapped their arms around the woman. Olivia seemed shocked and hesitated to wrap her arms around the teen. "I figured it would be hard...Society is hard on young moms and..well..Just tough on young girls overall." Finn said gently. Olivia felt tears stinging as she held Finn closer..

Finn. Who was Mia..The name she had gave them..The name..That just didn't sit well at all anymore.

Olivia parted a bit as she looked at Finn, "Y-You know..Finn suits you a lot." She smiled. Finn smiled as they chuckled, "I think it fits well too." The two parted and smiled at each other. "If..If you want any more questions answered I'll be happy to answer them." Olivia smiled a bit. Finn smiled, "Well..there are a couple more.."


"They've just been talking for nearly two hours."

"Nothing else?"

"Nope." Catra said as she filed her nails and held her phone between her shoulder and ear. "Catra, I really think you should've just informed Adora instead of me." Azalea's voice could be heard from the other side of the line. "Nah, your the girlfriend. Felt like I should inform you first." Catra said in a casual way. "Plus, I like you and we don't really interact that much." Azalea's giggle could be heard from the other side, "Well, thank you."

Catra sat a bit more back as she sighed, "I just don't understand why Finn would keep such a big secret, you know? I underestimated the kid about keeping some but still, its still sucks that they're dealing with such a huge problem." Azalea sighed a bit, "I understand..But, put yourself in Finn's shoes..This was something way harder to tell rather than just keep it to themselves." Catra looked at her hand as she felt a bit guilty.

"Its worse when Finn felt more afraid to tell you rather than Adora..They just..didn't know how you'd handle it." Azalea added.

Catra started to feel even more pity and guilt in her stomach..Of course Finn would keep something this big from her..Because Catra wouldn't know how she'd react either.

"Wow..I..I must be a horrible mom for my kid to keep secrets like these from me.." She put a hand to her head. "You are not a horrible mom. You're just very overprotective of Finn and they're just scared of disappointing you that's all.." Azalea said in a gentle voice. "I can assure you that Finn loves you very much and considers you as their own mom."

Catra smiled a bit, "You're too kind kid, seriously..That's what I like about you. You're just like Scorpia and Perfuma." Catra chuckled, "What I'm trying to say is you're perfect for Finn." Azalea giggled on the other line, "Well, I hope so! Otherwise you'd be hunting me down if I wasn't."

Suddenly, Catra looked forward and saw them approaching her. "Shit, um..I gotta go. They're both coming this way, Finn will probably inform you later." Azalea gasped a bit, "Okay bye!" Catra hung up and stepped out of her car. Olivia seemed nervous, which Catra's cockiness got the best of her as she smirked. "Mama, be nice." Finn said to her, which caused Catra to let her guard down a bit.

'Blondes do make me soft don't they?'

"Um..Hello, again." Olivia said nervously. "Olivia. Thought I told you to not interact with Finn at all." Catra said with her arms crossed. "Ma!" Finn scolded. "I wasn't finished." Catra said. "I know you weren't gonna listen..And its okay..You're still going to be in Finn's life in many ways, I'm sorry the way we met wasn't the best at all. I'm just very overprotective of them." She finished. Finn smiled at Catra's confession.

"And I'm sorry too..I'm really sorry for my selfish acts. I had no intention in hurting anyone, I swear. Also, Finn and I had arranged the whole 'being in life' situation." Olivia explained. Catra raised an eyebrow, "Qué?"

Finn chuckled a bit, "Olivia and I had agreed that she can come when there's big events. You know, like birthday parties and such." Olivia looked at Catra, "Of course, if it's okay with them and your wife..Most importantly, you." Catra smiled a bit as she put a hand on Olivia's shoulder, "I think thats mainly Finn's decision..Right kid?"

Finn smiled, "It's totally fine with me."

Suddenly, Olivia's phone buzzed. "Oh, shoot! I gotta go, my mother needs me to help her decorate." She turned to Finn, "I can't thank you enough for meeting with me. Really." Finn smiled, "Same to you." Olivia, then, turned to Catra, "And I really hope we can become closer and be on good terms." Catra smiled at the younger woman, "I think now is a start."

Olivia smiled as she waved 'bye' to them. Catra turned to Finn, who smirked at her. "What?" Catra asked. "Quién sabía que eras uno softie?" Finn said so smugged. Catra looked at them, "W-What?! I am not!" Finn hummed, "Right mama, and I'm not the most adorable being you have ever seen."

Catra raised an eyebrow, "Because you're not."

Finn laughed a bit as they made their way in the car. Suddenly, Catra came in and started the car. "Well, I know this is sudden but you do realize there's one big event coming already..right?" Finn looked at her, "There is? Which one is it?" Catra looked at Finn, "Your eighteenth birthday?" Finn looked at her in a weird way,

"Wait wha-"


Quién sabía que eras uno softie- Who knew you were a softie?

🌈Until next time

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