Chapter Nineteen

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As soon as they all woke up they started getting ready then they all met up in the kitchen to eat some breakfast and talk. While Michael started cooking some breakfast they started talking about Jonah and how they would avenge him. "I won't let Carter get away with this," Dylan said "neither will I" Sean added on "you both have to help with the dagger then we can kill Carter" Arianna replied "I don't want to kill him. I want him to suffer" Dylan and Sean said. Once Michael finished cooking breakfast he handed a plate to everyone then sat down next to them. Everyone kept talking about Jonah and Carter until Jayda brought up the memorial at town square today. "Do you still want to go to the memorial" Jayda asked "we have to. It might calm some of us down" Michael answered "but what if Carter shows up" "I don't think he would go. He is probably busy planning our death" "you never know. We have to be prepared". While they were talking about their plan Raul brought up the weapon to kill Carter and how they have everything for it. "After the memorial, we can go home we can make the weapon," Michael said "I want him to die now," Sean said "so do I but we need that weapon" "Carter needs to suffer for everything he did. He killed our uncle" "which is why we need to make the weapon to kill him". Right after they finished talking about him they agreed to go to the memorial to blow off some steam and relax. Jayda could see how her boyfriend was getting upset so she sat him down and started to calm him down. Once they were all calm again and had a plan for Edna and Carter they began getting ready for the memorial. "How are you feeling," Raul asked Dylan "I don't really know. I barely know Jonah but I can't believe he is dead" "I feel the same way" "how will we tell Abraham and Jonah about what happened" "I don't know yet". They both continued to talk with each other until it was time for them to get ready for the memorial. Right after they finished talking they all went into their own rooms and began changing their clothes and doing their hair.

When Carter and Edna finally woke up they started getting ready for their day then they walked into the living room to talk. As soon as they were together Edna started talking to him about Jonah and what happened the night before. "Is it true you killed Jonah" Edna asked "how do you know" Carter replied "when an original vampire dies so does their whole sireline" "I didn't think about that" "HOW COULD YOU KILL HIM". Edna continued to yell at Carter for not listening to her and just doing whatever it is he wanted to do. While she was yelling at him he just rolled his eyes then sat down on the couch and listened to her yelling. "It's not that big of a deal," Carter said "YOU KILL THEIR UNCLE. WHAT IF THEY COME FOR US" Edna yelled "now they know that my venom is their weakness" "you're right. Where's the gun" "oh shit". Once he said that his friend already knew that he lost it and the Mercados and their friends probably found it. Right after she said that he stood up and walked out of the room while she started yelling at him again. "HOW COULD YOU BE SO CARELESS" Edna yelled "it was an accident" "they can use that venom to kill you" "I'm unkillable" "nothing is truly immortal. Nature always makes a balance" "we can't let them kill me" "this is all your fault". Once they finished talking about the Mercados and their friends Edna went outside to go check the mail. She came back inside and showed her friend Carter a letter talking about the memorial tonight which made him question going. "I think we should go," Edna said "but why," Carter asked "it might be good for us to go. It might make the council less suspicious of us" "alright fine we can go". Once they agreed to go to the memorial to draw out suspicion they went into their separate rooms to get ready. Right, when they were about to get ready Edna walked into Carter's room to talk with him for a little bit. "What's wrong," Carter asked "I'm just worried about the weapon," Edna said "we don't even know if they will make it" "we have to be prepared" "alright. Just go get ready" "okay bye" "bye".

Once the Mercados and their friends were finished getting ready they all met up in the living room to wait and relax. They all sat down then started to talk about the memorial and everything that was going on with them. "Should I invite Susan" Michael asked "don't invite her. If Carter shows up he might kill her" Arianna answered "you're right but she can help us with him" "just don't invite her, please" "okay fine I won't". While they were talking and waiting Sean began to get upset because of his now dead uncle and how his siblings could be next. After Jayda noticed Sean getting upset again she brought him to the other room to talk and cool off. "What's wrong. Tell me what's wrong," Jayda said "why is no one trying to kill Carter. He has to be stopped," Sean said "and he will be just not yet" "he has to pay for what he did" "he will. Relax". Sean just continued to get angrier so Jayda did the only thing she thought of to calm him down, she leaned forward then kissed him. Before they could finish kissing and talking Arianna walked over to them to talk and that's when she saw them kissing each other. "Oh sorry I didn't mean to interrupt you," Arianna said "it's fine. We were just finishing up her" Jayda replied "I should get back to the others" "that sounds like a good idea". Once Arianna was gone Jayda turned her attention back to Sean then walked with him to the living room. When they were all together again they decided it was time to leave and go to the memorial. After they agreed to leave the house Michael walked with everyone to the car then he started driving to the town square. "How're you feeling," Arianna asked "I'm a little better. Hopefully I can control myself" Sean responded "we will make Carter pay for what he did to Uncle Jonah" "I'm counting on it. I want him to burn". After driving for a few minutes they finally made it to the town square where they saw a bunch of people crying and talking. They all looked at each other then left the car and started walking to everyone else who was talking to each other.

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