Chapter Five

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After trying for days to find Jayda they started to lose hope but Sean didn't want to stop looking for her. He tried every locator spell he could find but nothing worked which only made him try harder to find Jayda. Once Arianna noticed none of the locator spells were working she realized that Jayda must be cloaked making it more difficult for them to find her. "Sean we can't keep doing this" Arianna said to him "If we give up now she is as good as dead" "we have to save our strength for the real threat" "we are saving Jayda. Go find another locator spell" "alright fine". When Arianna left Sean's hotel room she walked inside of Jayda's room where she saw Raul and Michael going through her things. "What the hell are you two doing," Arianna asked "we are trying to catch Jayda's scent then we can track her" Raul answered "did you find anything" "not yet. How's Sean doing" "not good". Once they finished talking they continued with what they were doing while Arianna went back to talk with Sean. The two siblings talked about locator spells and how they would stop Dylan and Nancy before they hurt Jayda. After they finished talking Sean found a spell that might be strong enough to find Jayda but they would need help. "I think I found a spell," Sean said to Arianna "then let's start" "we are going to need a witch's help" "Emma might be able to help" "then we have to go to the cemetery and find her" "alright let's go". When they had a plan to find Jayda they immediately told Michael and Raul then they headed out of the hotel. Before they could leave the manager stopped them to talk with them about how long they would be staying. "Hello, I'm sorry to interrupt but how much longer will you be saying," the manager asked which made Sean mad "we will stay as long as we have to" "that doesn't tell me a lot". His conversation stopped when Sean grabbed him by the shoulders and said "shut up with all of the questions and leave" then the manager stopped talking and left. Then they looked at Sean and walked with him to the cemetery to find Emma and make her help.

While they were walking to the cemetery Michael asked Sean and Arianna what they would do when they would find Nancy and Dylan. "We kill them," Sean said "no. We are going to question them" Arianna replied "and give them the chance to escape. We are going to kill them" "why don't the both of you calm down" Raul suggested. After walking for a few minutes they finally reached the cemetery where they would find Emma. They all walked inside and quickly started searching for Emma to convince her to help them with the locator spell. Once they found someone they asked her where they could find Emma and if she was there. "Emma isn't here right now. If you don't mind me asking why do you need her" Edna asked "that's our business" Sean answered, "and the whereabouts of my witches are my business". As soon as Edna said that his eyes started to glow gold and black veins appeared underneath showing he was angry. Before he could do anything Raul grabbed Sean and held him back long enough for Edna to escape and for his eyes to change back. "You need to calm down before you hurt someone," Raul said "how am I supposed to calm down. All of my emotions are heightened and Jayda is missing" "my emotions are heightened too but you don't see me about to kill someone". Sean rolled his eyes then he noticed Emma pass by them and go into a mausoleum all by herself. Once he spotted her he stopped Raul from talking then led him and his siblings to where he saw Emma go. As soon as they were all together Sean started talking with Emma to see if she would be willing to help them. "What are you guys doing here. I told you everything I know," Emma asked "we need your help to find Jayda" Michael replied "what happened to her" "we don't know which is why we need you. Will you help us" "I'm sorry but I can't. When she said that Sean started getting angry but he quickly calmed down and asked her why. She just ignored him then left which caused them to walk out of the cemetery to come up with another plan.

Once they all left the cemetery they started heading back to the hotel to find another spell and come up with another plan. While walking Michael noticed a familiar woman walk inside of a voodoo shop so he snuck away from his siblings and followed her. He walked up to the big glass window and started to look inside and see who he saw walk inside. As soon as he saw the woman his mouth dropped open as he slowly started walking away from the shop. "Hey, Michael. Are you okay" Arianna asked "we have to go, now" Michael replied "what's wrong" "I said we have to go". Before Arianna or anyone else could say something Michael quickly headed away from the shop and to the hotel. Once they reached the hotel they all rushed inside of Michael's room and sat down while he paced back and forth. The awkward moment was soon stopped when Arianna asked "can you please tell us what the hell happened back there". "You wouldn't understand," He told Arianna "tell us, now" "alright fine. Our mother is alive" "what the hell are you talking about" "I saw her today. At the voodoo shop" "are you sure it was her," Sean asked, "I'm positive". Then Michael started thinking about his mother and Dylan so he grabbed Sean's phone and went through his messages with Emma. He stopped going through his phone when he found the picture of Nancy and Dylan which made him show his siblings. "This is her. This is our mother," Michael said "that can't be our mom she is dead" Sean replied "no this is her. Trust me" "if Nancy is our mother and Aiden is Dylan do you know what that means" "no but I have a feeling you are going to tell me". Before Michael could get a word in Arianna explained how Dylan must be their brother that they thought died at birth. When she said that he said that their dad named him Dylan but their mom wanted to call him Aiden. As soon as they figured everything out they started going through their mother's grimoires. While they were searching Sean was also looking for a spell that could find Jayda and their family.

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