:: TWO ::

268 5 1

Word count: 1818
15/02/21 @ 8:30pm



I laughed, loudly at Luke's corny joke, throwing my head back as tears threaten to fall from my eyes.

The joke wasn't even that funny but the large amount of alcohol that we had both consumed had us both in hysterics at absolutely anything and everything.

"You liked that one did you?" Luke laughed too.

"No. It was so bad" I giggled, watching Luke shake his head with a smile on his lips.

We had been sitting at this bar for a good 5 hours now and not once had either of us left the bar. Not even to pee, which was a huge achievement for me because I have a bladder the same size as a toddlers.

We were getting along really well and I was actually having a good night, despite dreading tomorrow when my cousin and ex boyfriend get married.

"2 shots of tequila please" Luke asked the bartender, leaving a note on the table before he handed me a shot glasses filled with the clear liquid.

I screwed my face up at the strong taste as it hit the back of my throat before placing the glass back on the bar, followed by Luke's empty one.

"Do you wanna dance?" Luke motioned to the dance-floor where there were a handful of people slow dancing to a song that played through the speakers.

"Sure" I smiled, taking Lukes hand and letting him lead me to the dance floor. My arms wrapped around his neck as his wrapped securely around my back as we danced.

"You know, I'm actually having a good time tonight" Luke muttered, taking my hand and spinning me around.

"You seem surprised?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Well, no offence but when I first saw you I thought you were going to tell me to fuck off" he laughed.

"So why did you talk to me then?"

"Cause I think you are stunning" he said, shocking me.

Wasn't sure if it was the alcohol in his system or if he actually meant it, but either way it made me blush.

"Am I making you blush?" He his pointer finger under my chin and tilting my head up so I could see the smirk on his face

"Yeah, shut up" I mumbled with a shy laugh.

"You are so cute" Luke chuckled, leaning down to rub his nose softly against mine.

He pulled away, keeping our foreheads together as he looked into my eyes. Every now and then his eyes flickered down to his lips, mine doing the same to him.

"Kiss me" I breathed out quietly, "please"

I didn't have time to take a deep breath before Luke placed his lips against mine. He pulled away slowly, checking how I felt before I placed my hand on the back of his head and pulled him in for another kiss.

Pretty Girl ♋︎ HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now