:: ONE ::

424 7 4

Word count: 1196
11/02/21 @ 10:00pm


I don't think going to your ex's wedding is at the top of everyone's bucket list. Especially on the day before Valentine's Day.

Or maybe it is, I dunno.

How did this happen you ask?

Well, Robbie and I broke up just over 3 years ago after he met my cousin at a family party. We had been going through a rough patch anyway, but breaking up with me and then 3 days later sleeping with my cousin is a bit too much in my opinion.

I wasn't really close with my cousin, Ivy but I thought she would have a little more respect for me than she did when she decided not to tell me she was dating Robbie until 8 months later.

But anyway, that was over a year ago and I have matured more since then. In other words, I no longer live off chicken nuggets and I am officially a coffee drinker.

"Olivia! You are up!" My aunt shrieks from the opposite end of the room, grabbing my attention.

I cleared my throat and stood up, walking to the door and following the wedding party down to the main hall for the wedding rehearsal.

"Megan, Elise, Olivia. Your spots are at the front on the left hand side. Ryan, Josh and Blaine you are on the right. Okay, let's go!" My aunt Jodie shouted as we all piled in the door.

I linked my arm with Josh, a guy that I had met a couple of times before when I was dating Robbie. We stood behind Elise and Blaine before we all walked down the isle before Ivy and her dad walked down behind us.

"Perfect! Absolutely perfect!" My aunt shouted, clapping he hands excitedly.

I'm not sure how hard walking down an isle would have been but anyway...


Mikey: Don't worry Mini, we will be there in the morning. Hang tight xx

I groaned, locking my phone and leaning my forehead against my arm that rested on the bar infront of me.

"Long day?" A voice startled me.

I snapped my head up and turned around to see a guy standing there with his eyebrows raised.

He had dark blonde curly hair that rested just below his chin and was dressed from head to toe in black.

What caught my attention most was the amount of tattoos that covered his body. Every piece of skin that I could see had been tattooed. He had lip and nose piercings and a small stretcher in his ear th-

"Are you okay?" He looked concerned as he watched spoke, interrupting my thoughts.

"Oh, uh. Yeah. Sorry" I laughed lightly, embarrassed that this gorgeous stranger had caught me checking him out.

"Mind if I join you?" He smiled, showing his pearly white teeth.

"Yeah, go ahead" my smile mirrored his, motioning to the chair beside me.

He ordered himself a drink before kindly buying me one also. Vanilla vodka and Diet Coke. As always.

"So. What's your name?"

"Olivia. How about you?" I questioned, turning around in my chair to face him.

"I'm Luke. Nice to meet you Olivia" he put his hand out for me to shake.

I put my hand in his, expecting him to shake it but instead he brought it up to his lips and left a soft kiss  on my skin.

"Nice to meet you too, Luke" I blushed.


6 drinks down and I was starting to feel the alcohol have an effect on me. I had been talking to Luke for over 3 hours and I was surprisingly having a good time with him.

"Skydiving. 100% skydiving" I slapped my hand on the bar just to make it super clear that was my answer.

"Really? The one thing you want to do before you die is skydiving?" Luke raised his eyebrows, leaning back in his chair.

"Uhh. Well that was my answer but your reaction is making me second guess it" I giggled, watching as a smile grew on Luke's face.

"No, no. I just thought it would be something a bit more... exciting? I guess" he shrugged.

"Okay, mister exciting. What do you want to do before you die?"

"Travel the world" he answered straight away. "My dad travelled the world when he was younger and I have always wanted to do it too"

"Oh wow. Okay, travelling the world is a good answer" I laughed. "That's better than skydiving"

Luke smirked at me, bringing his glass up to his pink lips and taking a drink.

"So, why are you sitting at a bar at... 10:43 at night on the day before Valentine's Day?" Luke questioned.

"I'm at a stupid wedding" I scoffed. "I didn't have much choice but to be here"

"You are here for Robbies wedding?" Luke asked, making my eyebrows furrow.

"Uh, yeah. How do you know Robbie?" I questioned, wondering how he knew my ex boyfriend who I dated for 3 years and how I had never heard of a Luke.

"He used to be my best friend before he moved away" he answered my question. "How about you?"

"Uh, he's my ex boyfriend" I pursed my lips.

"Your ex boyfriend? Why on Earth are you at your ex boyfriends wedding?" He laughed.

"Ivy. The bride. She's my cousin" I nodded, raising my eyebrows and sucking my lips into my mouth lightly.

"Oh shit. No way!" he chuckled lightly.

"Yeah, it's so weird. Whatever. We aren't that close anyway, we never were"

"No offence but.. she's kinda a bitch. She shouted at me earlier when I sat in the wrong seat. It was the first time I had met her" he laughed. "I wasn't even at the rehearsal, I was having dinner with my family"

"Yeah she's not the kindest person. I just try to avoid her. Her mum- my aunt Jodie isn't much better to be honest" I scoffed. "Like mother like daughter I guess" I took a sip of my drink.


Hi! So, I had started this story a while back but I lost interest in the plot so I decided to change it!

I hope you all enjoy it, I already have the first couple of chapter written so hopefully you guys like it!
Please vote and comment ❤️

The photo in the header is NOT mine. Credit to the person that made such an amazing edit!

Stay safe everyone!

Lottie xoxo

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