56 0 1

Word count: 1177
02/04/23 @ 4:50pm

Saturday came around quickly and I was nervous. Actually nervous was probably an understatement for what I was feeling right now and I'm not 100% sure why.

I have been feeling absolutely fine all week but this morning I woke up feeling sick and with butterflies in my stomach. Maybe it was due to the fact that Luke's ex freaking fiancé and I were going to be in the same space all day.

Me and Luke had been speaking all week and apparently all of our friends know we are getting to know each other due to the at least 15 text messages that I had collected over the week saying they were so happy and excited me and Luke were messing around- possibly something more.

I spent a good hour lastnight with Leigh picking out the perfect outfit to wear and in the end decided on a red 2 piece with a long white kimono over the top.

"Red is so your colour Liv. Go with that" was Leigh's words of courage after my mini fashion show of never ending bathing suits I had.

I had spent my morning at work and got away slightly early at 12 to get home and ready for the party that started at 5.

A pink gin & lemonade was handed to me within 20 seconds of me arriving home thanks to my gorgeous bestie.

"Let's get your sexy ass ready for your boyfriend" she grinned

"Not my boyfriend Leigh" I grinned back, "but yes let's get ready" 

"Not yet"

"Girls! Where you at?" Mikes voice boomed through our small apartment at 5 exactly. 

"Running late!" I yelled back, quickly finishing my third drink and grabbing my bag.

"The usual" Calum playfully rolled my eyes as we walked through to the livingroom.

"Wow you girls look hot" Ashton wolf whistled as we playfully twirled each other around.

"You guys look pretty fit too" I winked, "ready?"

"Let's go!" Mike led the way out and we all climbed into his car, me squished on Calum's knee because there wasn't enough seats since apparently alcohol needs it's own seat. Being 5'2 I was the shortest so automatically get thrown on a knee.

The drive was short and soon enough we pulled up outside the house. There were a few cars parked out front making me wonder how many people had actually came today.

"Guys! Glad you all made it" Jack grinned, greeting us outside before leading us down the hallway to the back garden.

"Luke's in the kitchen Liv. Said he wanted to talk to you" Jack told me as he walked beside me before he went outside and I went to the kitchen.

"Hey, you" I smirked, walking in to a shirtless Luke in black swim shorts.

"Hey, you look beautiful" he smiled, pulling me in for a tight hug, "how are you?"

"I'm good. I actually feel a bit nervous. How are you? How's things?"

"Yeah good so far. Everyone's outside but I wanted to speak to you first and see how you were. How was work?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2023 ⏰

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