:: THREE ::

258 6 9

Word count: 1327
16/02/21 @ 9:52pm


The morning came around a lot quicker than I would have liked but I was happy that my hangover wasn't too bad for a change.

It took me a few seconds when I opened my eyes to remember what happened last night. Luke was awake when I woke up and he gave me a bright smile although I'm sure it was just to hide his laugh when he saw my bed head.

It surprisingly wasn't as awkward as I thought it was going to be. I had never had a one night stand before and my automatic reaction was to just get up and leave, but once Luke started talking to me and offering to order room service I changed my mind.

I mean, who would say no to free food? Stupid people. That's who.

"So I have to be in Ivy's hotel suite by 12pm so you have to kill me before I go" I grinned at Luke before taking a bite of my croissant.

Luke laughed loudly, grinning widely at me as he shook his head slightly. "You really don't get along with her, huh?"

"Yeah you could say that" I scoffed, laying back on the white bed sheets.

We spoke for a while afterwards and I was ready getting along with Luke. According to him, and my brain, one night stands never usually end like this. I'm not sure why I stayed or why on earth I am sitting eating room service with him but here I am.

My phone dinged a couple of seconds after Luke had started talking, catching my attention.

Ivy: Are you up? We are waiting for you, hair and makeup have arrived x

"Shit!" I groaned, realising the time was now 12:27 and I was officially late. If I didn't get to her room soon Ivy was going to throw a fit.

"You alright?" Luke asked me

"I'm late. I'm late! I need to run, erm... I will see you later?" I questioned Luke, walking to his door as he followed.

"I'll see you later" he confirmed, leaning down and pressing a kiss to my forehead before I opened the door.

"Liv?" I turned around in the doorway to face him. " happy valentines day" he winked, causing a smirk to break out in my lips

"Happy Valentine's Day, Luke."

I quickly jogged down the hall, holding my phone and room key in one hand and my T-shirt in the other as I ran down the hall in my black leggings and one of Luke's T-shirt's that I may or may not have forgotten to give back to him before I left in a hurry.

"Liv?" I turned around to see my best friends, Leigh, Michael, Ashton and Calum all staring at me confused. "Why are you here? Aren't you on the 5th floor?" Leigh looked very confused as she looked at me up and down, clearly not understanding why I was dressed the way I was.

"I'm sorry I'm really late. I'll text you!" I shouted, running through the door and down the stairs to my hotel room.

I had thankfully showered in Luke's room this morning so I quickly got dressed into clean clothes before making my way down to Ivy's room where everyone was waiting on me.

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