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~ Matts Pov ~

"Matt?" The sound of Jess's sweet voice wakes me up from my sleep. I register that she is curled up in my arms. Her hand is around my waist and her head is resting on my chest. My own arm us snaked around her slim frame, keeping her close to me.

"Yes, beautiful? " I ask. My voice a little husky from sleep. I keep my eyes closed.

Jess let's out a sigh before continuing to speak. "Last night, just as I was nodding off, did you say that you loved me?"

That gets my attention and I open my eyes quickly. She wasn't meant to hear that. Not yet. I don't want her to feel pushed into anything. Cornered. She was just to special to me.

"Because if you did, I love you too. " She whispers in my ear. Suddenly, it feels as though a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Jess loves me to. She loves me.

I roll over so that I am straddling her. I place light kisses on her neck and I am rewarded by gentle moans.  All thoughts of sleep are gone.

"You are so beautiful. " I whisper in her ear. My hand trails along her side as I kiss her lips tenderly.

"Matt.. " She says breathlessly. "I'm ready. " She says to me.

I'm taken aback. "Are you sure, Princess? Once we mate, you will be stuck with me. You will feel my emotions as I will feel yours. Your senses will heighten to." I kiss her forehead and one of her hands goes to the back of my neck. Her beautiful eyes open and lock with mine.

"I'm ready, Matt." There are no words to describe how I feel. Maybe ecstatic would work. She is ready to mate with me. I love her more than life it's self. And I set off to show her how much I love her.


Jess lays on my chest. The soft duvet covers our naked bodies that are pressed together.

"That was perfect. " Sighs Jess contentedly.

"I'm glad, Jess. And yes, it really was." I confirm. My hand runs up her side and she moans quietly. A moan that would not have been heard by a human.

Quickly, she pulls away from me and stands up, searching for my white shirt from yesterday. I moan at the loss of contact.

Jess pulls my shirt on and buttons enough of it to cover herself. "I'm going to make breakfast. " She states as she starts to head from the room.

"Thank you baby. Do you mind if I have a quick shower?" I ask

"Of course I don't. " She says as she looks back with a slight smirk.

"Maybe you could join me?" I say hopefully.

"Nice try, Casanova, but I'm hungry " Jess smirks at me before skipping round the corner and down the stairs.


I walk down the stairs in my boxers after my shower, following the scent of bacon sandwiches. Jess is stood with her back to me in the kitchen,  wearing my white shirt that goes half way down her thighs. My eyes rake her beautiful body. Then they settle on a large scar on the back of her thigh.

Anger floods through me. So help Drake Hartman the next time I see him. Anyone who hurts my mate, has another thing coming. A growl escapes my throat catching Jess's attention.

"Are you okay, baby? " She asks, turning around with two plates of bacon sandwiches in her hand. I can't hide it from her. Jess now knows my emotions.  Crossing the room, she places our  breakfast at the table then she turns to me.

Jess places one hand on my cheek and I instantly feel the relief. "That scar on the back of your leg, how did you get that?" I ask concerned.

My girl sighs deeply then looks into my ice blue eyes. "About four years ago, I accidentally woke My father, Mart..... Drake," She corrects herself. "In the middle of the night. He pushed me down the stairs and I went in to the mirror at the bottom. A large shard of glass sliced the back of my leg." She leans forward kissing my nose, sensing the distress in me. "But I'm okay now, Matt. I'm better than okay. " She says warmly. 

I place one hand on her neck. My thumb brushes over the mark that I left on her neck. That's something that will never dissappear of her skin. It's kind of a way so that others know she is mine and only mine. It looks like a hickey, but it means so much more than that to a werewolf. Jess is my girl.

"I love you so much. " I say as I lean forward and kiss her lips passionately. Reluctantly, Jess pulls away.

"I'm really hungry." She confesses . "You wore me out earlier. " She says, adding a seductive wink at the end.

"It's my job, Princess." I add as we sit down for breakfast.


"What are you doing today?"  I ask as I finish my breakfast.

"Is it okay if I invite Mia round? " She says quietly.

I chuckle slightly, "Baby, you don't have to ask."

"But it's your house. " She argues back.

"Princess." I begin, using my favourite pet name for her, "This is as much your house now as it is my own, okay?" I say raising my eyebrows and reaching across the table to take her small hand in my own.

Jess nods and smiles at me. I've seen that look before. It's how Louise looks at Connor. I can feel Jess's emotions and all I feel now is happiness and love. Knowing my girl feels like that makes me feel it too.

"Why don't you go and get ready and invite Mia over? " I ask as I take hold of the cleared plates and headthen go and place them in the dishwasher.

"Okay, I will. " Says Jess. I turn and watch her sexy body head to the stairs. When she stops and turns to me, I raise an eyebrow.

"Maybe you should think about getting ready too. Not that I mind, but Mia might be scared for life if she comes over to find her English teacher prancing around the house in his boxers. "  We both start laughing and I use my wolf speed to go back to her side.

"I think I need another shower. " I whisper in her ear. Quickly, I gather her slim frame in my arms and bound up the stairs to the bathroom. In record time, I have us both stripped and under the water, enjoying a kiss.


I hear light footsteps approach the door then a knock sounding Mia's arrival. I stand up and head to the door.

I'm wearing a black t shirt that stretches over my muscular chest and black jeans.

"Hello, Mia, come in." I say stepping to the side as I open the door.

"Good morning, Mr Reeves. " Says Mia and she steps inside.

"Please, call me Matt out side of school. " I say. "Jess will be down in a second, would you like anything to drink?" I say as I head to the kitchen.

Mia nods. "Yes please, have you got any coke? " She asks.

"Yep, there you are." I say handing it to her. "Mia?" I say, looking at her. "Thank you so much for not freaking out about the whole mate and werewolf thing." I say. It means a lot to me that she didn't panic or get upset about it because I knew that would upset Jess.

"Honesty, Matt, I'm cool with it. You make Jess happy and that is all I can ask for. But, one wrong move and you upset her, I will rip your balls off  and ram them them down your throat, Okay? We've already had this conversation once, don't forget it." Her eyes narrow as she finishes her sentence.

"I promise I won't hurt her. It would kill me to know I had upset her."

"We'll get on just fine then." She says with a slight laugh. "How about no homework? " She says with a grin.

"Ha ha, Mia, we'll see." I lean against the counter just as Jess makes an appearance.

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