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~ Jess's POV ~

When I wake up, I realise I'm lay in a soft bed. But it's not my bed. Panicked, I sit up and look around concerned. Where am I? I wonder.

Then I hear a powerful voice heading towards the room I'm in. I jump up frantically when I recognise the voice of Drake who is talking to Will.

"Will?" I mutter to myself.

"That's right, baby girl. " The door opens and Will enters with Drake behind him.

"What do you want from me?" I growl, silently praying that Matt is on his way to save me.

"Be nice, Jessica Hartman." Says my father, using my true name. An evil, tormenting smirk appears on his face. I feel sick

"William, I'll leave you and Jessica to have some alone time. " My father has always called people by their full name. He's the only person to have ever called me 'Jessica'.

"Thank you, sir. " Nods Will respectfully and Drake leaves the room.

"You're a werewolf? " I ask warily.

"That's right baby. And you're my mate." What?

"No I am not. " I snarl. Will locks the door and uses his wolf speed to get to me.

"Oh but you are. " He coos.

His eyes search my face for what, I don't know. Will runs his hand down the side of my face then crashes his lips to mine. I begin to struggle, but I'm no match for a werewolf. The feeling of him kissing me repulses me. As I fight him, it makes him more determined to make me submit to him.

The anger that's built up inside me explodes and I manage to get a hand free. With all the force I can manage, I punch his jaw.

"Gentle now, baby." He laughs.

"Will, I'm not your mate. I already have one. Get off me. " I say desperately. For a second, I think I see hurt was over his face but, he quickly regains control.

"Yes, you do have a mate, me!" He roars angrily, making me flinch back. "I am your mate, not that pathetic excuse of an English teacher! " Will shouts in my face.

He knows that Mr Reeves is my mate. He knows that he is also a werewolf. Will wouldn't say anything about any of it, would he? That would risk exposing himself. I don't think even Will is that stupid.

I do not show my fear, but, I push his chest as hard as I can. Will stumbles back on to his bed. I only mated with Matt this morning, but my strength has already started to increase.

"Stop it, Will. You never used to be like this." I barley whisper. "What changed?"

He stays sat on his bed. "The fact that nature fucked up for me. You are my mate, but I am not yours. " He finally admits to himself. Will jumps up abruptly, a wild look in his eyes. Not the wild, intriguing look that is in Matt's icy eyes, it's the look of a mad man.  The fact that his mate has a different mate, has driven him to insanity.

He paces up and down the room, running his hands through his hair and over his face. "And do you know what, Jess?" He asks looking at me. I press myself into the wall, putting as much distance between us as possible. "I can feel myself losing control, I can feel the insanity taking over. At least with you here, it is taking over a lot slower. You will never escape from the Half Moon Pack, you will never escape from me. " He spits. One tear rolls down my cheek.

"Shh, don't cry, Princess." He whispers to me. I'm still his mate, seeing me in tears, still hurts him.

When he calls me Princess, a stabbing pain shoots through my heart. That's Matt's name for me. All I want is to be in Matt's arms, snuggled into his solid chest.

"Do not call me princess. " I choke out.

"But you are my little Princess. " He says confused. He really has lost it.

"NO! I AM MATT'S MATE AND HE IS MINE!"I scream angrily. Then I begin to sob, I slide down to the floor and hide my face.

"I just want to go home." I croak.

"Jess. You are home. You are with me, your mate. And you are with your father. Do you not want to be with him?" He says.

"Why would I want to be with a man that has done nothing but beat the fucking shit out of me since I was nine?" I ask sarcastically.

Anger flashes across Will's face. "He what?" He barely whispers.

"You heard. " I growl.

"Why did you never tell me this? We were together for a year. "

"Only those I love know. " I say bluntly. "I liked you, Will. A lot. But for some reason, I couldn't love you in that way. Now I know why. It's because I am meant for Matt. Matthew Reeves is my mate, Will. Not you." I say gently to him. He looks at me, hurt present on his face. Then he storms out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

For about ten minutes,  I sit on the floor, staring in to thin air. I try desperately to think of away to escape, but Drake will have guards every where.

When the door opens, I jump up defensively. A woman enters. She looks about thirty five ish.

"Who are you?" I stammer.

"My name is Karen. I heard the name Matthew Reeves mentioned. And you say he's your mate?" Karen asks.

"That's right. Why?" I ask carefully.

"I left young Matthew's pack when my mate joined Drake's pack. Matt didn't spend enough time at the house, he was very busy. But I knew him. "

Hearing her talk about Matt makes my chest feel heavy. I just want to be with him.

"How come you were in the pack and how come you are in this pack now There are only male werewolves right?" I say confused.

"You will find that there are many female humans around here. We're the mates of the werewolves." I nod as she explains.

"Jessica, your father may be cruel at times. " I snicker at that, earning me a strange look From Karen. But, she continues. "He is a damn good leader though. He has never let any pack member go without. Alpha Hartman does protect us." I don't respond to that.

"Anyway, kiddo, if Matt hasn't changed, he's on his way here now. His best friends are probably in on the rescue mission too." With that, Karen gets up and leaves the room, not looking at me again.

I know she's talking about Connor and Zeke. I also know that she's right. Matt will be on his way here. Well, at least I hope he is.

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